January 12, 2010

Making Jason Altmire Look Good

Yes, I know it's a tall order but here it is via CQ Politics (by way of PA2010):
Former U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan is increasingly leaning towards running against Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.), according to two Pennsylvania Republicans with first-hand knowledge of her budding campaign.

Buchanan is interviewing political consultants and will likely announce her campaign by the end of the month, the GOP sources said.
Who wouldn't want someone who saved us from the dreaded water pipe and who persecuted prosecuted Cyril Wecht (twice) from having a national stage to work her magic?

Of course Altmire -- who royally pissed off many with his vote against HCR -- may not be safe even in a primary vote. Rumors abound that he may face a challenge from Georgia Berner or Franco Dok Harris.


  1. Dok Harris? I thought the City of Pittsburgh was entirely within Doyle's district.

  2. I think that he'd need to move.

  3. Oh, I hope Georgia runs! I supported her the last time.

  4. I have a source that says MBB has wealthy kin in the energy biz in the 'burgh who could be tapped for support. So watch out Jason.

  5. Blue Dog Jason has undercut his progressive support completely. He wants it both ways, but won't get it.

    I have to think that Brabender is dogging MBB. She's perfect for him and visa versa.

    Jason was in the right place at the right time, but he's seriously misjudged how far he can go without really being what he purports to be. Too bad. I really wanted him to be different.

    On the other other hand, I'd vote for him over MBB even if it meant being injected with Plague.

  6. The problem for Democrats in the district is conservative Democrats and Republicans. I assume Democrats don't want to lose the seat, even if it means putting up with Altmire's behavior. But that means running someone that some of the more conservative voters in the district will vote for. If Dok Harris runs against Altmire in the primary, he had better have his dad do some campaigning for him, and if he wins the primary, then Franco better campaign even harder in the general. Otherwise I would suggest discouraging Democrats running against Altmire. Any Democrat more liberal than Altmire might not win the general.

  7. I think the correct statement is that any candidate more liberal than Altmire will lose in the general election.

    Progressives have been trashing him for being against the public option. I have never once heard him say he was against it. His issues were with the overall costs and the financing of it. That said, I think it was wrong to vote for Stupak, before voting against the bill.

    MBB would also have the win her primary, and I think she has opposition for now. The Republican way is for one of them to be forced bow out gracefully anyway, so the Republican voters lose their right to pick someone.

    I am also wondering how redistricting will affect this area now that Joan Orie Melvin is on the bench. Will that come into play in 2012 or later?

  8. Mike, you are correct that progressives have been trashing Jason. I personally have heard him stand up and say he has no problem with the public option and even campaigned on the idea of extending Medicare to everyone. He has problems with the House bill that he doesn't have with the Senate bill. But even after he said these things, the people in the audience still trashed him for being against the public option.

    And Clyde, you said that he "misjudged how far he can go without really being what he purports to be". I think maybe some progressive read too much into his campaign and projected an idea on him that wasn't actually him. I think all along he's been who he is, even during the first campaign, which is a right leaning Democrat. And, which also is a fairly close reflection of his district. The district will absolutely not elect someone more liberal than he is without redistricting.
