June 29, 2012

Rally to Celebrate the Affordable Care Act

It's constitutional, bitchez!
We're liberals -- win, lose -- we rally!

Via One Pittsburgh:
Rally to celebrate the Affordable Care Act and tell Corbett we demand a PA Healthcare Exchange
When: Today! June 29, 2012, Noon
Where: Piatt Place 301 5th Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 (map)
What: The Affordable Care Act has been upheld by the Supreme Court, guaranteeing that millions of Americans will receive healthcare! As Attorney General, Tom Corbett filed a lawsuit against the ACA. We are going to rally to celebrate the SCOTUS decision and to remind Corbett that WE WON and that we demand he stops dragging his feet to create PA's healthcare exchange.
RSVP at link above or via MoveOn.

(Graphic via Facebook)

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