November 7, 2017

My THIRTY-FIFTH Open Letter To Senator Pat Toomey

I'll be dropping this letter to Senator Pat Toomey in the mail today:
Dear Senator Toomey:

It's me, again. Your constituent who also writes for the local Pittsburgh-based political blog, "2 Political Junkies."

Senator, as you know today is an election day. Last year, you said you voted for Donald Trump for president.

I wanted to ask you a very simple question today.

Given the scandals plaguing the current White House including (but not limited to):
  • The indictments of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates as well as the guilty plea of George Papadapolous as part of the investigation into Russian meddling of our last presidential election
  • Trump's continued violations of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution - for instance his son, Eric, continues to give him quarterly updates on the financial health of his businesses (despite Trump's promise not to be involved) and those businesses have done deals with foreign governments (despite Trump's promise that they wouldn't).
If the election for president were to be held today, would you still vote for Donald Trump?.

It's a simple question and the answer is either yes or no.

As the "no" is obvious (it's a "no" because the man you voted for is simply corrupt), you would still have to explain a "yes" answer.

I await your response.
And I will be posting whatever response I get from him or his office.


1 comment:

  1. Still would vote for Trump.

    Same DOJ indicted and convicted Sen Ted Stevens using manufactured evidence.
    So i'll wait and see if the indictment for Tax evasion using a secret FISA warrant based on fictitious oppo research pans out.

    BTW, Progressives should be outraged that armed citizen vigilantes hunted down the shooter Devin Patrick Kelley like a dog and forced him to take his own life making him a victim of Gun Violence.
