November 9, 2020

Wendy Bell Turns The Conspiracy Theory Volume Up To 11.

But before we can point out Wendy's latest departure from reality, we need to talk about Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney.

Who is Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney?

You can read his bio here though missing there are some very important parts missing from the official Air Force bio.

Let's go one by one.

In 2010 a Lt Col in the Army, one Terry Lakin, was court-martialed and later found guilty on four counts of disobeying orders. The reason he disobeyed?

He didn't think that President Barack Obama was born in the US and so therefore couldn't be President and Commander-in-Chief. As such Larkin didn't have to follow his orders. Hence the court-martial as they don't take kindly to officers refusing orders.

At some point, Lt. Gen. McInerney filed an affidavit supporting Larkin's position saying, in part:

[I]t is my opinion that LTC Lakin’s request for discovery relating to the President’s birth records in Hawaii is absolutely essential to determining not merely his guilt or innocence but to reassuring all military personnel once and for all for this President whether his service as Commander in Chief is Constitutionally proper.

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney is a birther. 

If that weren't enough, in one interview on Fox, he supported the use of torture (which is a war crime) and smeared the record of Sen. John McCain as a collaborator:

A former Fox News military analyst falsely claimed Thursday that U.S. Senator John McCain was nicknamed "Songbird John" while he was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. The salacious claim alluded to McCain giving up information to the Viet Cong against his country and fellow service members.

Retired vice chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force turned media pundit Tom McInerney challenged McCain's decision not to vote for CIA director nominee Gina Haspel, stating the enhanced interrogation techniques, or torture, worked on the Arizona Republican and "are effective" overall.

By the way, neither is true. Torture is not effective and McCain was not a collaborator

For that last part (about McCain), McInerney was banned from Fox News. Banned. From Fox News.

Why did I compose such an extensive prelude to my point?

This morning, Wendy Bell posted this on her Facebook Page:

According to information provided by retired US Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerny and Michael Flynn attorney Sidney Powell, the 2020 Presidential election should be investigated for vote fraud.
McInerny alleges the DNC used a highly sophisticated intelligence program called Hammer (developed by the CIA after 9/11 to surveil Islamic terrorists) and a software program named Scorecard (adapted by the CIA under the Obama Administration to spy on American citizens, McInerny alleges) to change as many as 3% of mail-in votes in highly contested voting districts.
Further, McInerny claims the DNC used Scorecard in the primary election earlier this year to enable Joe Biden to defeat Bernie Sanders and secure the Democrat nomination.
If these allegations prove to be true (the FBI is now investigating), do you believe Americans can have faith in the election results claiming a Joe Biden victory?

Birther, torture-supporter, and smearer of John McCain, Tom McInerney was the source of the story that made Wendy Bell breathless.

And what does Christopher Krebs, the Trump-appointed director of the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency have to say about this?

Take a look:

Wendy, it's nonsense. Trump's own director of cybersecurity says so. Did you ever bother to check? Shouldn't you have? There has to be some fragment of journalist left in you, right?

But wait! There's more. Where did this "Hammer" and "Scorecard" come from?

The Daily Beast has the story:

The election fraud claims center on Dennis Montgomery, a former intelligence contractor and self-proclaimed whistleblower who claims to have created the “Hammer” supercomputer and the “Scorecard” software some Trump fans believe was used to change the votes.


What Trump allies tend to leave out, however, is that Montgomery has a long history of making outlandish claims that fail to come true. As an intelligence contractor at the height of the War on Terror, Montgomery was behind what’s been called “one of the most elaborate and dangerous hoaxes in American history,” churning out allegedly fictitious data that once prompted the Bush administration to consider shooting down airplanes.

And more:

In Dec. 2003, according to a Playboy report, Montgomery claimed he had discovered information in a TV broadcast proving that al Qaeda hijackers were set to hijack planes flying to the United States from Europe and Mexico. 

President Bush himself blocked the flights, ordering them to turn around or stay on the ground. The administration even considered shooting down the planes based on Montgomery’s information, according to the Times.

But according to reports and former employees, Montgomery’s supposed technology was all a hoax. One employee quoted in the Playboy report claimed Montgomery had ordered him to fake a test for U.S. military officials, tricking the officials into believing Montgomery’s software could detect weapons in drone footage.

French intelligence officials, furious that Montgomery’s data had been used to ground French planes, debunked the “technology” and reportedly convinced CIA officials to drop Montgomery, according to the Times.

“We got played,” an ex-intelligence official told the Times in 2011.

Even as he rose in intelligence circles, Montgomery reportedly developed a mammoth blackjack habit, losing $442,000 in one day at casinos, according to Playboy.

There's your story, Wendy. Not only is the source of your story (McInerney) a liar but his source (Montgomery) is a conman and a degenerate gambler.

Do you still think this story's true, Wendy? How is that possible?

Wendy? Don't you find it absolutely exhausting to put so much effort into propping up all these rickety right-wing conspiracy theories with even more rickety conspiracy theories?