December 29, 2021

A Very Special Guest Blogpost: "Wendy Bell Is My Biggest Fan!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, @JoninPgh has a very interesting story to tell y'inz.

Jon now has the floor:

As I was getting ready to leave work today, I logged on to see what was going on with Twitter. I saw I had a DM from Dayvoe of 2 Political Junkies. Dayvoe and I have become Twitter friends over the last year or so while we monitor Wendy Bell and Pennsylvania politics. It has been a long trip and once Covid is over we’ll meet in person for some laughs.

I took a glance at what he sent and it looked like he found a Wendy Bell parody page.

I figured I’d take a closer look at it when I got home….until I saw the picture of Wendy. 
My jaw dropped.

I clicked on the link still thinking it was a parody page but, to my surprise, it took me to Wendy’s “Resources” page where she posts links to her Covid misinformation sources. And there it was. That crazy picture of Wendy holding a Covid award.

This is where it got weird…..

I messaged back to Dayvoe:


I was so confused and laughing out loud at the same time. I knew it was my handiwork but I couldn’t remember what prompted me to make it. I hurriedly scrolled through my Twitter feed to find it. I found it and laughed even more. Dayvoe often sends a link to his latest blog post in the morning and I post it to Twitter. Because Twitter doesn’t generate a picture when I post the link, I always try to find (or make) a funny picture to go with it. Lo and behold, I had created the picture for one of Dayvoe’s 2PJ blog posts

I thought my little Microsoft Paint creation was too funny because in my head, Wendy won the Covid Angel of Death award.

LOL. I crack myself up.

Dayvoe and I were like:

On the way home, I was like:

  • Wendy Bell stole my picture?
  • Why did Wendy steal that picture that clearly was making fun of her?
  • Should I be flattered?
  • Was Wendy flattered???

I know Wendy reads my post, I just didn’t think she would ever steal from them! 

Wendy, I’m available for freelance work if you want anything else. DM me if you do and I’ll fire up Paint. Until then, I’ll just relish the fact that you’re my biggest fan.

Wendy Bell, the Angel of Death, is my biggest fan.

 Well, there it is.