December 30, 2021

Satire! Science! Satire Science! (Wendy Bell Has THIN SKIN!)

The latest from the chuckle-sneers over at Breaking Burgh:

Researchers in the field of dermatology are publishing their amazing finding of the thinnest known human skin which they discovered on the body of former Pittsburgh news reporter and current shock jock, Wendy Bell. Using advanced laser interferometry techniques, they were able to determine down the nano-meter how thin Bell’s dermal layers are.

“It appears that Ms. Bell’s skin is only a couple of cells thick, which is truly remarkable from a biological perspective.”

They conducted the research after receiving tips from the Pittsburgh blogging community that Bell – who recently quit Facebook ostensibly due to censorship but in actuality because she cannot cope with the fact that nobody wants to listen to her rantings anymore – might be a subject worth studying. The scientists were confident it would be worthwhile given previous research indicating a connection between extraordinarily thin skin and behaviors Bell exhibited.

"Pittsburgh blogging community," you say. And who might that be, more or less, exactly?

Because I am certainly a member of the "Pittsburgh blogging community" (what was once referred to as "The Burghosphere"), and because I have certainly spent more than my fair share of time blogging about Wendy the thin-skinned Angel of Death, I think it would be safe to assume that they were pointing at me when they wrote that.


Recognition. What a heady brew!

I'll leave it to Sue over at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents to rack up actual blog achievements = and an impressive list it is - Congratulations, Sue!

Still I'm more than happy to be kinda sorta obliquely referred to in a Pittsburgh-based satirical blog. 

O frabjous day!