February 15, 2022

News of PA State Senator Doug Mastriano's Subpoena is GOING NATIONAL

Talking Points Memo:

The Trump campaign coordinated efforts to persuade Republican state lawmakers to send fake slates of electors to Congress on Jan. 6, the the Jan. 6 Committee said on Tuesday.

The statement came in the form of a fresh wave of subpoenas issued to several Trump campaign officials and three of the most outspoken state-level elected Republicans, part of an effort to investigation plans to mess with the certification of the 2020 election. 


The subpoenas also went out to Pennsylvania state senator Doug Mastriano (R), who spoke with Trump before Jan. 6 and attended the rally that day, and to Kelli Ward, a former Arizona state senator and chair of the state’s Republican party.

Mastriano reportedly helped arrange for an alternate slate of electors from Pennsylvania to go to D.C. on Jan. 6. He continued to promote outlandish claims of fraud by taking part in an attempt to stage an audit in Pennsylvania to uncover the “truth” of the 2020 election. 

Oh, but there's so so much more.

It's hit the AP:

A Pennsylvania state senator who was in regular communication with Donald Trump as the then-president sought to reverse his 2020 election loss, and was outside the U.S. Capitol the afternoon of the Jan. 6 rioting, was subpoenaed Tuesday by the congressional committee looking into the insurrection.

Sen. Doug Mastriano, a former Army officer currently seeking the Republican nomination for governor, was asked by the Jan. 6 select committee to hand over documents and information about efforts to name a slate of alternate Electoral College electors for Trump.


The Jan. 6 committee also noted his presence outside the Capitol the day of the insurrection, saying his public statements indicated “you witnessed ‘agitators ... getting in the face of the police’ and 'agitators ... start pushing the police up the Capitol steps.”

“We would like to better understand these statements and expenditures, events that you witnessed or in which you participated, and communications we believe you may have had with national, state and local officials” about the 2020 presidential election outcome, wrote U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, the Mississippi Democrat who chairs the Jan. 6 committee.

PA State Senator (and candidate for Governor) Doug Mastriano has been subpoenaed by the January 6 Committee.