June 7, 2022

January 6 Committee Hearings -

As we should all know by now, the January 6 Committee hearings start this week.

Live broadcast Thursday night at 9 pm (eastern).

This is (partial list) what I'll be watching for:

  • PA State Senator (and not GOP candidate for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano's testimony.
    I realize that with limited schedule, Doug might not get any airtime but given his medium to high profile and his presence at many important events of this coup attempt, his testimony (under oath) would be interesting to watch. And fact-check.

  • Any mention of  Rudy Giuliani's statements given at that Gettysburg "hearing" on November 24, 2020.
    There doesn't even have to be a mention of Doug here. The "hearing" is Doug's already. Anything misinformy said there is Doug's. Anything Rudy said there about the election is Doug's. And so on.

  • Any mention of the "alternative" electors Pennsylvania had all set to go to Washington, D.C. in the event that the legislative part of the coup worked.
    Remember the 1/6 Committee, in their subpoena of Doug asked for this information specifically.

  • Any discussion of whatever coordination there was between the organizers of the pre-attack rally.
    Doug's listed as a featured speaker/guest in one source and a VIP in another.

  • Any discussion of the Trump/DOJ phone call in which the orange vulgarity mentions not one but two Pennsylvania politicians by name; Rep Scott Perry and PA State Senator Doug Mastriano.
How central is PA State Senator (and GOP candidate for PA Governor) Doug Mastriano to Trump's attempted coup?