August 11, 2022

PA Senate Republicans, You Say? (FBI Subpoenaes Republicans In Harrusburg)

Check this aht from PennLive:

Federal investigators delivered subpoenas or paid visits to several House and Senate Republican offices in the Pennsylvania Capitol on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to multiple sources.

At least some of the individuals receiving subpoenas were told they were not targets of an investigation, according to at least six sources reached by PennLive, but that they may have information of interest to the FBI. All of the sources had been briefed on the investigative moves in some way, but demanded anonymity in order to discuss them.

The information being requested centered around U.S. Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., and the effort to seek alternate electors as part of former President Donald Trump’s efforts to remain in office after the 2020 election, several sources said.

You know what that means, right? 

The FBI has to be looking into this:

As they organized the fake elector scheme, lawyers appointed a “point person” in seven states to help organize those electors who were willing to sign their names to false documents. In Pennsylvania, that point person was Douglas V. Mastriano, a proponent of Mr. Trump’s lies of a stolen election who is now the Republican nominee for governor.

Note that I am not saying anything other than "looking into" here. I'm not saying that Doug is an FBI target in anyway. To clarify: all I am going on is what I read in the news - I have no deeper knowledge than that.

But if they say they're looking into the fake elector story and it's been established that Doug was Trump's "point person" in Pennsylvania for that story, how can they not be looking at Doug?

We already know that the 1/6 Committee wanted subpoenaed Doug for that same reason:

Based on publicly available information and information produced to the Select Committee, we believe that you have documents and information that are relevant to the Select Committee’s investigation. For example, we understand that you have knowledge of and participated in a plan to arrange for an alternate slate of electors to be presented to the President of the Senate on January 6, 2021.


Accordingly, the Select Committee seeks documents and a deposition regarding these and other matters that are within the scope of the Select Committee’s inquiry.

Of course I know that the FBI is running a completely separate investigation from the 1/6 Committee and that these are two separate investigations.

Oh, did I mention that State Senator (and now GOP cand. for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano walked out of his meeting with the 1/6 Committee this week?

Pennsylvania’s Republican candidate for governor, Doug Mastriano, abruptly ended a scheduled deposition today with the House Select Committee investigating the circumstances surrounding the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Again, nothing to do with the FBI's subpoenas, of course, I just wanted to keep that little tidbit morsel of trivia in the discussion.

Reading in the P-G, however, led me to this interestingness:

[Mr. Mastriano’s attorney, Timothy Parlatore] has represented at least two other witnesses interviewed by the Jan. 6th Committee, including former New York City Police Commissioner and longtime associate of Mr. Trump’s attorney, Rudolph Giuliani. His representation of Mr. Mastriano, according to state campaign finance reports, is being covered at least in part by Mr. Mastriano’s gubernatorial campaign. [Emphasis added.]

Because of course it is. Huffpost has a little more:

Doug Mastriano, the far-right state senator who is a key figure in the 2020 election-denial conspiracy movement, paid “Parlatore” $10,000 for “legal consulting” on March 3, according to recent campaign finance filings reviewed by HuffPost. The listed address for Parlatore matches that of a law firm founded by Timothy Parlatore, who has represented Mastriano in his dealings with the Jan. 6 committee.

Huffpost goes on to say that the payment probably doesn't violate state or federal law but it does raise some ethical questions.

Since when does Doug Mastriano, who betrayed his State Senate Oath to "support, obey and defend the Constitution" worry about ethical issues?

Doug's such a great guy, isn't he?