February 12, 2023

Facts Are, Indeed, Stubborn Things - More Facts About Trump's Very Real Loss In 2020

Here's a few tasty treats from yestiddy's Washington Post:

Former president Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign commissioned an outside research firm in a bid to prove electoral-fraud claims but never released the findings because the firm disputed many of his theories and could not offer any proof that he was the rightful winner of the election, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The campaign paid researchers from Berkeley Research Group, the people said, to study 2020 election results in six states, looking for fraud and irregularities to highlight in public and in the courts. Among the areas examined were voter machine malfunctions, instances of dead people voting and any evidence that could help Trump show he won, the people said. None of the findings were presented to the public or in court.

Of course, Pennsylvania was one of those states. And The Post goes on to say that the work was carried out "in the final weeks of 2020" before the January 6th insurrection.

And this was the scope of the research:

“They looked at everything: change of addresses, illegal immigrants, ballot harvesting, people voting twice, machines being tampered with, ballots that were sent to vacant addresses that were returned and voted,” said a person familiar with the work who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private research and meetings. “Literally anything you could think of. Voter turnout anomalies, date of birth anomalies, whether dead people voted. If there was anything under the sun that could be thought of, they looked at it.”

And then finally:

Senior officials from Berkeley Research Group briefed Trump, then-chief of staff Mark Meadows and others on the findings in a December 2020 conference call, people familiar with the matter said. 

So one more instance (as if we needed any more) when Trump was told he'd lost the election - and this was by a conference call that took place sometime in December, 2020. 

A date and time of which is, presumably, already known by DOJ in its investigation:

The Justice Department is investigating President Donald Trump’s actions as part of its criminal probe of efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, according to four people familiar with the matter.

Prosecutors who are questioning witnesses before a grand jury — including two top aides to Vice President Mike Pence — have asked in recent days about conversations with Trump, his lawyers, and others in his inner circle who sought to substitute Trump allies for certified electors from some states Joe Biden won, according to two people familiar with the matter. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

The prosecutors have asked hours of detailed questions about meetings Trump led in December 2020 and January 2021; his pressure campaign on Pence to overturn the election; and what instructions Trump gave his lawyers and advisers about fake electors and sending electors back to the states, the people said. Some of the questions focused directly on the extent of Trump’s involvement in the fake-elector effort led by his outside lawyers, including John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani, these people said.

Hmm, let's see if there was an impact to that non-released report.

On November 27, 2020 PA State Senator Doug Mastriano introduced this legislation to the Committee on State Government.

The attached memo includes this reason for the legislation:

WHEREAS, postal employees in Pennsylvania have reported anomalies relating to mail-in ballots, including multiple ballots delivered to a single address with unfamiliar addressees, ballots mailed to vacant homes, empty lots, and addresses that did not exist.

Then there's this from Doug's FB page

And a search of the headline brings you here.
A forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines and software in Michigan showed that they were designed to create fraud and influence election results, a data firm said Monday.

Neither one true, of course. Admittedly, this was before the December 2020 conference call in which Trump's own research team briefed him on how that wasn't true.

Good thing we have lotsa times Doug questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election after December 2020.

Like this one from July 7, 2021:

Governor Wolf and the Secretary of State refused to conduct any type of thorough investigation despite the concerns of millions of our citizens in the aftermath of the election and hundreds of affidavits alleging firsthand fraud, irregularities, and illegal behavior witnessed at polling places. 

Except that the firm hired by Trump himself could not find evidence of any such behavior - certainly not enough to overturn Trump's overwhelming loss. 

Any chance Doug Mastriano will be correcting the public record?