February 25, 2005

Opening Shot In The Campaign Against Santorum

The race against Lil Ricky "Man on Dog Action" Santorum is on with a vengeance with Chuck Pennacchio's "rather large blog ad buy" yesterday which claims to provide "more than 3 million impressions a day."

If you went to "Daily Kos, The Raw Story, AmericaBlog, Atrios (and other blogs) yesterday, you couldn't help but notice the following ad:

Notice the ad uses the red "X" found in
USA Next's anti AARP web ad which was
widely spoofed all over the Internet.

The ad links to Chuck Pennacchio's website where you'll find a contest to create a social security BlogAd that will run in place of the above ad on the same sites mentioned above. Pennacchio provides the video clips to create the ad including the clueless young Repugs chanting:

“Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Social Security has got to go.”

The website also features its own blog as well as a special section for bloggers to link up their blog to Pennacchio's campaign.

Either Pennacchio's campaign is the most web savvy campaign since Howard Dean's run for president, or the bloggers have truly arrived. (or maybe it's a little of both).

What say any of you bloggers and blog readers about this development?

By the way, Pittsburgh's own Fester's Place received a nice link in the Daily KOS diary announcing the BlogAd contest.


  1. This sounds like the Dean message, but I support it. I just am not excited about sending a pro lifer like Casey to the Senate. I would rather work for
    a progressive.

    Philip Shropshire

  2. Hey Maria. Thanks for the kind words, and thank you for signing up on the bloggers page.

    I am managing Chuck's online outreach--I really appreciate the compliment. In 2004, I worked for Jeff Seemann's campaign in OH-16. Maybe you have heard of him from the Net?


    Thanks for the email this morning. Just wanted to let you know the campaign manager has it, and someone should be in touch with you in the coming week.


  3. I'm with Philip, I listened to the guy's position on pro-choice and I liked it, I like that he's politically savy enough to utilize the blogs and has election experience, but can still run as a fresh face. Sure hope he can unseat Santorum.

    Good blog, BTW.

  4. Isn't "clueless young Republicans" redundant?

    As for Bob Jr., he may be pro-life but on other issues he'll be much more in synch with the party on economic issues. As in, no more asinine "tours" touting Social Security "reform."

    And plus, those eyebrows!

  5. Isn't "clueless young Republicans" redundant?

    As for Bob Jr., he may be pro-life but on other issues he'll be much more in synch with the party on economic issues. As in, no more asinine "tours" touting Social Security "reform."

    And plus, those eyebrows!
