May 5, 2006

More on Santorum (didn't see this in the P-G)

From the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Speaking from the Senate floor, U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum (R., Pa.) urged his colleagues to curtail a popular perk: private corporate-sponsored flights at bargain rates for members of Congress.

"This is clearly a subsidy," he said March 8.

Two days earlier, he had taken a BellSouth plane from a runway near his home in Leesburg, Va., to fund-raising events in North Carolina and South Carolina. The jet ferried Santorum, two aides and Ward White, BellSouth's top Washington lobbyist.

Santorum paid $6,955 - first-class rates, as Senate rules require, but a fraction of what it costs to operate the plane.
Rick Santorum - A man of the utmost integrity.


  1. President's & Republicans' approval ratings are even lower in a poll released today. Maybe people are finally sick of their leadership style: "Do as I say, not as I do"???

  2. HAH!! I had that on Wedensday!! I finally beat you to a headline!!

    (does happy dance)
