May 4, 2006

More Santorum Hypocrisy

For Rick Santorum, homosexuality is a threat to marriage but adultery and physical abuse are, depending on the context, sometimes perfectly acceptable.

Check it out. From The Hill:
Rep. Don Sherwood (R-Pa.), who acknowledged having an extramarital affair with a younger woman with whom he also settled a lawsuit last year, has enlisted help from conservative Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) to win his May 16 primary.
Then there's this little bit of the story:
Sherwood’s personal life became an issue in 2004 when Cynthia Ore, then 29 years old, accused him of choking her. Sherwood denied the incident, and no charges were filed. In the 2004 campaign, Sherwood’s opponent on the Constitution Party ticket gave details of the police report to the media.

Sherwood admitted to having a five-year affair with Ore, who later sued him, accusing him of abuse. They reached an out-of-court settlement in November, and neither has disclosed any details.
Huh. So two women wanting to be married is somehow more threatening to "the institution of marriage" than adultery? Shouldn't someone be asking Mrs. Sherwood about this?

Here's the danger to Sherwood:
Meanwhile, Sherwood’s alleged behavior has surfaced in Vermont’s at-large congressional race, where the Republican candidate, Martha Rainville, returned Sherwood’s $1,000 contribution.

“I am returning a check to DON’S PAC, the political action committee formed by Rep. Don Sherwood, because of allegations of domestic abuse which recently came to my attention,” Rainville said in a statement in April to the Vermont Guardian.

“I believe in strong family values, and I take the issue of domestic violence very seriously,” Rainville continued. “I feel that to be consistent with my own firmly held beliefs I cannot accept this contribution to my campaign, and I will be returning the $1,000 check.”
Well, at least ONE Republican in this story is being consistent about "family values" (whatever the heck those are).

Rick Santorum - Gay sex is always bad, but marital infidelity that lasts 5 years is ok.

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