June 1, 2006

Bad bad poll news for Ricky Santorum

Via Rasmussen:
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in Pennsylvania shows Republican Senator Rick Santorum solidifying his standing as most vulnerable congressional incumbent this election season.
That's an interesting way to put it. As if Rick is working to make himself look politicaly vulnerable. I guess it's a nice way of saying that of all the Senators who are in deep shit this coming election, Ricky's in the deepest.

Aw, poor guy. He's trailing Casey 56% to 33%.

More bad news:
Santorum continues to flounder with his base, attracting support from only 67% of GOP voters. Casey now attracts 87% of Democrats, a ten-point gain since our April 20 poll.
Ha - flounder. Is there a better word for Rick Santorum?

And then there's this:
Senator Santorum has no presidential coattails to cling to: only 36% approve of the job President Bush is doing. Sixty-two percent (62%) disapprove including 45% who Strongly Disapprove.
Gee, it must suck to be a supporter of our AWOL president these days. How do they manage it?


  1. This Rasmussen release spells real trouble for the Senator. This is especially so as it comes hot on the heels of the Survey USA numbers out last week. (http://www.surveyusa.com/)

    According to the SurveyUSA crossstabs, since December, Santorum's approval by voters who call themselves "pro-life" has fallen from 59% to 49%, while the percentage of "pro-life" voters disapproving of Santorum's job performance has gone from 33% to 44%, according to the most recent Survey USA poll results.

    Regular Church goers disapprove Santorum 51-42 today, as opposed to a 48% approval rating he had from that important Republican constituency in December.

    He's also losing favor among Republicans who approved his performance at a 66% clip in December. Today, 52% approve and 41% of Republicans disapprove.

    In the so-called "T", Santorum has a 53% DISapproval rating.

    Where is he going to make up these losses? Not in the Northeast -- Casey's homeland. Not in Philly or Pittsburgh -- the base for Rendell and the Democratic Party.

    As one Santorum supported recently conceded privately (while still promoting the Senator on his own blog), "Santorum is Toast".

    But, remember, every silver mine has a touch of gray. The bad news with a Santorum loss is a Casey win.

  2. "Gee, it must suck to be a supporter of our AWOL president these days. How do they manage it?"

    You have got to be kidding me. You son of a bitchin' hypocrite. AWOL???????!!! How about Bill Clinton dodging the draft??!! Bush served, son. Your hatred for the man is so blazingly intense, the facts just don't matter to you. You're in serious need of mental help. Perhaps if you shaved your beard and tried some of Ron Popeil's GLH Hair System, all the while losing about 50 of your frumpy pounds, people would take you seriously. Now, go and "Ladies and Gentlemen" that. AWOL, my ass. You moron.

  3. And why do you care about Casey? After all, you had the "Pennacchio" banner up on your sidebar for the longest time. I guess it doesn't matter who is in, as long as a Democrat .. credentials or not. In your case, your motto should be, "Credentials matters not...Democrat in office matters most." Heh, so much for your endorsement of Pennacchio. All forgotten. Casey da' man for you now.

  4. Braden is that you?
