June 1, 2006

I watch Tricky Ricky Santorum on Imus so you don't have to

Yes, Imus is a pig and his Zoo Crew is worse than he is, but I sometimes watch the broadcast of his radio show on MSNBC just to see the Big Boys prostrate themselves at the feet of the dirty little crew of old frat boys.

And, Lil Ricky never fails to say something stupid on that show...OK, Lil Ricky never fails to say something stupid when he opens his mouth.

Anyhoo, Imus loves to run his little games with Lil Ricky with Imus being the Top and Lil Ricky playing along as some sort of masochistic bottom -- verbally of course -- who knows what they do if they ever meet in person as Ricky calls into the show.

So Imus does his usual bit of making fun of Lil Ricky before he calls in: calling him a moron, saying that he disagrees with most everything that Lil Ricky stands for, etc., but then blowing Lil Ricky a kiss by saying he supports and endorses him.

During the course of this interview, Imus took a break to play with a diecast 1930s-type Lone Ranger toy making Lil Ricky wait on air. Typical of how Imus toys with Lil Ricky, really.

So, you may well be asking yourself now, was anything noteworthy said?

Lil Ricky Santorum did his best to walk the line between backing Bush and "bravely" disagreeing with him. Santorum claims that he spoke with Bush and urged him not to call it a "War on Terror" saying terror is a tactic and that what we're fighting is "Islamic Jihadists." (Of course you can find plenty of times that Santorum has called it a "War on Terror" just google it like I did here. He started asking for a name change just about the time Bush's poll numbers started slipping.)

Imus had been joking earlier that morning that we should replace Bush with Saddam and try Bush in Baghdad, so he naturally asked Lil Ricky what he thought of that plan.

Lil Ricky managed to work up his best snark in replying to his Master and said, "Am I talking to Michael Moore or Howard Dean here?"

Imus also asked Santorum, "Do you think we're getting the real story on the Marine -- I guess I'd call it -- massacre?"

Santorum stumbled around at first saying, "Hard to say. I don't know. Eventually we'll find out." But then he got his bearings enough to repeat the Party Line to attack Murtha, "I don't understand how my colleague from Pennsylvania can say what he says."

Santorum went on to claim that he gets emails from the troops in Iraq who are "ticked off" at Murtha. He floundered around calling it a "stressful situation" and things "getting out of hand" before he settled on saying it should not be called "murder" but, instead, it should be called a "horrible mistake."

Now when I break an egg and get some shells in the bowl when I'm making a quiche (cause I'm a Librul, don't cha know), that's a "mistake." When someone shoots and kills unarmed women and children execution-style shattering their heads like so many broken eggs, that not a "mistake" horrible or otherwise.

Imus ended the interview by getting in one more dig at Lil Ricky. He thanked him for being a "good sport" but then laughed and added, "cause you have no choice." The Frat Party Zoo Crew then joined in with the laughter as Frat Party Zoo Crews are wont to do.


1 comment:

  1. I never "got" Imus and I doubt that I ever will. I've been more about Stern or Opie and Anthony m'self, but that's me. As for why politicos bow at his feet, ya got me. He's only got "stroke" in D.C. becuase people think he has it. If a few officials and pundits blew him off, he'd collapse like a house of cards.

    Still, it's always fun watching lil' Ricky squirm. ;)
