July 6, 2006

Santorum is STILL lying!

Take a look.

Rick Santorum graduated from High School, right? He knows how to tie his shoes, right? Then why isn't he smart enough to know to avoid the political beating he took in May?

For those who can't remember, here's what I wrote at the time. And a follow-up.

And a thumb-nail version of the story.

There was a primary and Rick Santorum went to vote in Penn Hills. A local Democrat named Ed Vecchio sought to challenge the Santorum's voter registration in that community by saying that the Santorum's don't live in the house they say they live in (according to the law he was within his rights here). According to the news reports he said something about how there wasn't even any furniture in the house.

At that point Rick went ballistic. He accused the Ed Vecchio of trespassing (a crime, by the way) and sought to connect the Casey Campaign to that "crime."

It was our first real look at how much of a loon Rick Santorum really is.

Now take a look at the current Penn Hills story. The Santorum campaign is still lying about the whole sordid event. Here's the basic point of the story:
A Penn Hills judge of elections received a warning on proper procedure after a resident challenged the right of Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum and his wife, Karen, to vote in the community.

Mark Wolosik, county elections director, sent a letter to Lisa Moore in late June to question how she handled the challenge by Edward Vecchio, husband of Erin Vecchio, Penn Hills Democratic Committee chairwoman.

Wolosik determined Moore had not followed proper procedure when Vecchio challenged the Santorums' right to vote at the Forbes Elementary School polling site in the primary. Vecchio believes the Santorums do not live in their Penn Hills home and cannot fulfill the residency requirement for voter registration.

Moore should have required the Santorums to fill out a form to confirm their identity, residency and voter registration and obtain the signature of another registered voter in the district covered by the polling site. Then, the Santorums should have proceeded to vote, Wolosik wrote in his letter.
And yet here's what the Santorum Campaign says about it:
Erica Clayton Wright, a spokeswoman for Santorum's re-election campaign, said she is pleased with the county's decision.

"The recent decision by the Allegheny County Elections Division to dismiss the baseless voting claims against Rick and Karen Santorum demonstrates that there was never a general issue as to where they live and vote," she said.

"This once again proves that Casey operatives will stop at nothing, including the use of personal attacks, to dodge the issues of the campaign.

"It's a sad day in politics when one's opponent is incapable of running a campaign on the issues that concern Pennsylvania and instead focuses on trying to strip one's basic constitutional right to vote."
Huh? Did I miss something? The Penn Hills judge got it wrong on procedure and got a warning for it. How is that a dismissal?

But the biggest lie is found one paragraph below that:
"This once again proves that Casey operatives will stop at nothing, including the use of personal attacks..."
The Vecchios aren't Casey operatives - it's a lie to say that they are. Just thinking it won't make it true (just like the WMD or evolution or Terri Schiavo).

Rick Santorum - a man unable to tell fact from fantasy.


  1. David, fact from fantasy? Sounds like your world, son.

    First off, the Santorums do own in Penn Hills. They have a house there and can do anything they please with it. If they want to use the place as a big giant nothing, they have the right. Do they pay taxes on it? Yes. What's your problem other than feeling absolutely threatened by Rick Santorum himself, which is blatantly obvious in your ongoing bitch sessions about him. You have NO ground to stand on, and neither do your liberal kool-aid drinking ass-clowns partners in crime.

    "...A Penn Hills judge of elections received a warning on proper procedure after a resident challenged the right of Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum and his wife, Karen, to vote in the community."

    Who is this so called resident? Ed Vecchio? Husband of Erin Vecchio, Penn Hills DEMOCRATIC Committee Chairwoman. No bias there, huh?

    In regards to Casey being connected, there really isn't much in the way of evidence, but given the Democrat track record of such events.

    "Huh?" David says. Well, allow me to enlighten your liberal little minds:

    Think back to the year 1996 when Rep. John Boehner and key Republicans along with Newt Gingrich happened to have a personal mobile telephone call recorded by a Florida couple (John and Alice Martin) who say there were Christmas Shopping on the day of December 21, 1996, who "just happened to have" a police scanner which was capable of picking up cellular telephone calls (and yes, scanners in those days existed, one could easily pick up one from their local 'Rat Shack' for example), not to mention they "just happened to have" a tape recorder with them as well. They "just happened" to of stumbled upon a phone call between Rep. John Boehner and key Republicans including Newt Gingrich. They claim that they just recorded it, "for history" even though the Martins are known to be active in Democrat politics.

    Yeah, I always happen to run into mobile phone conversations with my police scanner and happen to have a tape recorder while I am in the midst of Christmas shopping madness. I've had that happen three times on me and counting....not.

    It was also just a "coincidence" that their tape recording "just happened" to land in the hands of a Democrat on the Ethics Committee instead of a Republican Committee chair or independent counsel.

    Hell, Linda Tripp was indicted for taping her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky, so what was with the double standard?

    "Why that's just a coincidence!" you will say. I cannot wait to see what "Ladies and Gentlemen" lame excuse you'll come up with for that.

    The bottom line is this: You and your partners in crime are damn threatened by Rick Santorum, and you'll do and say anything to undermine his efforts, no matter what the cost. "How can you say that?" you ask. Easy, you do it every single day when it comes to our President.

    All that being said, Santorum's the loon, right? Please.

  2. The utter hatred and agitated vituperation exhibited by your first commentor says it all about the rightwing nuts in this country. They are the sole reason for a fractured body politic. Too bad we can't reset the calendar to 1932 when their ilk took over the German government. Senator Tricky Ricky spouts crap regardless of the facts and his followers blindly (or deafly) defend the indefendable. Way to go boys!!!!

  3. Anonymous number two's comment is translated as follows:

    "Shit, he's right and I don't know what to say so I'll pretty much call Anonymous number one a facist being that I don't know what to say at all - Whaa Whaa Whaa!"
