August 23, 2006

2PJ On The Air!

BOTH Political Junkies will be on the air today!

Tony Norman is filling in for Lynn Cullen and he asked us to fill in with him.

Go listen here.


  1. hiya, i'm just waiting for 9!

    good luck guys!!!!! : )

  2. i can't BELIEVE i actually called in! i was so nervous, i'm still shaking, but it was nice.

    i wish i could take the bad comments as well as you do. lately it hasn't been bad, but i've had some people send e-mails to my blog because they tracked me from a political blog. i'm getting better tho.

    i think you 2 are doing a great job on the radio. : )

  3. Kudos guys. Up here in NEPA our local radio and newspapers hate us bloggers. I guess they feel threatened by other voices.

  4. You both were great! Sadly, the server kicked me out several times, so I wasn't able to listen to the entire broadcast. Great show!

  5. You both sounded great -- as if you do this every day. I was on the road out of the office this morning so I had the good fortune to hear.

    And Sherry, you didn't sound nervous at all. Maria's comment to you about not caring what the comments say was good advice. Some of us in the law firmly believe that if your opponent likes you, you're not doing your job.


    It was fun!

    And Tony made it easy too.

  7. Sherry,

    I agree that you didn't sound at all nervous!
