August 24, 2006

Rick Santorum Goes Negative

My friends, this is not just the opinion of some middle-aged, balding blogger typing away at his computer early one morning. It's Jon Delano of KDKA news reporting.
PITTSBURGH The first negative television ad in the race for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania is now on the air.

Incumbent Senator Rick Santorum's campaign is taking aim at challenger Bob Casey's past.
A little later Delano adds:
After running a series of largely positive campaign ads, Santorum's campaign is taking a turn that he himself predicted a few weeks ago.

When asked if his ads would remain positive, Santorum responded, "No, we're going to talk about me, we're going to talk about him."

Talking about him means going after state treasurer Bob Casey.
Rick Santorum - the first to go negative. KDKA said so.


  1. it was a nasty, commercial full of half truths and spin. it was very upsetting and if i didn't know either of the candidates, i'd never vote for santorum just based on how nasty this ad is, but i think it will be very effective because casey's people are not answering any of these things as soon as they happen. it makes it look as if casey's people have no answers and so these things must be true.
    unfortunately, this is the state of politics today. a lot of voters expect a fight, winner take all.

  2. just saw casey's new ad, thank god, about time. it's pretty good.
