August 24, 2006

A Santorum Duck Sighting!

In our relentless pursuit of the politically irrelevant, we're pleased to report another Santorum-Duck sighting.

Here. Read this article.
Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell made his case for re-election Wednesday to several hundred people in Binns Park despite some heckling from about a dozen local Republicans.
And who was among the hecklers? We find out in this rather clumsy sentence:
The dozen Republicans, standing in the second-story walkway that borders the southern part of Binns Park, held signs for Swann and U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, chanted the names of Republican candidates when their opponents spoke, had a person dressed as a life-size duck that has been seen at events supporting Democratic Senate candidate Bob Casey Jr., and during Rendell’s speech blasted a foghorn. [emphasis added]
The Duck lives!

Now I'm wondering about a few things. Is John Michael Glick still the guy in the duck suit? And if so how does he feel about his work "collecting" signatures for the Romanelli campaign?

I wonder if Clem was with them. Who's Clem? Read this.

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