September 16, 2006

A Critical Moment in Darfur

From the Save Darfur Coalition:

The tragedy in Darfur has reached a critical moment. Already millions of Darfuris – driven from their homes – are completely dependent on international aid for food, medicine and shelter. But due to escalating violence, much of that aid can no longer reach those who need it most.

A UN peacekeeping force remains the only hope to bring peace to the region.

But the peacekeeping force – already authorized by the UN Security Council – might never make to Darfur if the Sudanese government doesn't agree to let it in. That's why it's so important that our world leaders ramp up the pressure and demand that the peacekeepers are admitted.

Click here to send a message to President Bush and Kofi Annan. Remind them that the international community is watching, and that we refuse to let the atrocities in Darfur continue.

Join us in demanding that Bush and Annan:

  • Push for immediate deployment of the already-authorized UN peacekeeping force.
  • Strengthen the understaffed African Union force already in Darfur until the UN force is deployed.
  • Implement a fair and lasting Peace Agreement.
  • Increase humanitarian aid and ensure access for delivery.

  • Now is the time to make sure our leaders are paying attention. Hundreds of thousands will rally in New York City – and in other cities around the world – this Sunday, September 17. Bush and Annan must see that public pressure to end the genocide in Darfur is stronger and more unified than ever.

    Never before has the U.N. authorized a peacekeeping force that wasn’t eventually deployed. Tell our leaders not to let Darfur become the exception.

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