September 16, 2006

More On Pittsburgh's New Progressive Young Mayor

I had the nagging suspicion when I originally wrote this post that I had left something out.

I did.

Then Council President, now Mayor Doogie also had to be pressured at the beginning of this year to reschedule the special election for Council District 3 after Spring Break instead of during it.

Council District 3 includes thousands of students who live in the Pitt Towers -- kids who are only a couple of years younger than Mayor Doogie himself. Hmmm...the definition of irony, no?

He finally changed the date the morning of a planned protest in Oakland. The original date was thought to favor the machine endorsed candidate.

Councilmen Bill Peduto was actually the person who led the fight at Council for the students to be able to participate in choosing their next representative.


  1. And very few students voted anyway...much ado about nothing.

  2. God forbid anyone do anything based on principle.

    Who cares if it was the right thing to do or not, huh?

    Better to just ensure nothing would stand in the way of the ACDC annointed candidate winning.
