September 6, 2006

More on the Shields Election

This time from Rich Lord of the P-G.
Pittsburgh City Council chose Doug Shields as its president yesterday, putting a friend of the late Mayor Bob O'Connor in its top post instead of an ally of the new mayor.
And here's something important:
Luke Ravenstahl, who went from council president to mayor Friday after Mr. O'Connor's death from cancer, wanted Councilman Jim Motznik to succeed him, council members said. But by lobbying for the post before Mr. O'Connor's passing, Mr. Motznik upset his colleagues, and the new mayor did not intercede to save his bid.
And a few paragraphs later:
Mr. Motznik acknowledged preparing his bid while Mr. O'Connor was still alive. He said he was in meetings with Mr. Ravenstahl for "five or six weeks" prior to Mr. O'Connor's death, preparing for a possible transition, to keep city government running smoothly.
Jeremy Boren of the Trib states it up front, in the first two paragraphs:
Pittsburgh Councilman Jim Motznik's colleagues punished him Tuesday for starting his campaign to become council president before Mayor Bob O'Connor died of cancer last week.

Council voted 7-1 to elect Motznik's political rival -- Councilman Doug Shields -- to succeed Luke Ravenstahl as president, and said they were disgusted by Motznik's backroom politicking in the weeks leading up to O'Connor's death.
They were disgusted.

Motznik, that stand-up guy whose word is his bond, got spanked.

In public.


  1. I'm not defending Motznik, but I do not believe that he & Luke were the only councilmembers discussing and/or jockeying for Council Prez position, well before O'Connor died...

    Frankly I'm disgusted that they elected a new Prez before O'Connor was even buried! Is there a law that says it has to happen that quickly?

    And isn't it ironic that while some city legal staffers say we, the voters of Pgh., must wait til 2009 to elect a mayor, Council members didn't even have to wait for 2 days to elect their Prez?

  2. Hi,

    When City Council does NOT have a PRESIDENT, the meetings are directed by the City's Clerk. This was the case after Gene Riccardi retired from being Council President until the log-jam could be overcome -- hence the picking of Luke. But Gene got out of the way for a few weeks before Luke got the necessary votes.

    So, they could have waited a bit.
