September 6, 2006

Happy Two Year Anniversary to 2 Political Junkies!

Yep, it's two years today.

I'm estimating that we should reach a quarter of a million hits by Thanksgiving.

That would not have been possible without you, dear reader.

We sincerely thank anyone who's passed this way.

But don't forget that's the Terrible Twos! We will be kicking and screaming up a storm in the next year -- guaranteed!


  1. happy, happy anniversary!!!
    you two are great and i check in more than a few times each day!

    thank you for going through all the effort and also, the crap that some people spew. it's hard work, but your blog is a must read, so i'd say your efforts are well worth it.

  2. I can't wait to witness you guys as you enter the Terrible Twos.

    I hope your 2nd year brings you more recognition & more air time, had the pleasure of hearing you with Tony Norman & think you need a show - and you should get paid for it!


  3. Woohoo!

    I get to share a blogbirthday with yinz guys!

    And many more to come!


  4. Thanks, everyone!

    "...think you need a show - and you should get paid for it!"

    I believe that I can speak for David on this in saying that we both agree with you!


  5. Congratulations! Many more to come ....

  6. What do you give for a 2nd blogoversary? A comment of course.

    Great job guys. You're a fun read everyday.

  7. How come "Anonymous" hasn't written to congratulate yinz guys?


  8. Huzzah and congratulations!

    The traditional gift for a two year anniversary is Cotton...

    Which means you're both getting one of my old t-shirts. And by that I mean, both of you will have to share one of my old t-shirts.

  9. Sharing a T-shirt? That's going to make typing awfully difficult.

    I call dibs on the right sleeve!
