September 6, 2006

Motznick Apologizes

From the P-G:
Pittsburgh Councilman Jim Motznik, who yesterday questioned his colleagues' honesty and intelligence, apologized for those comments today.

Mr. Motznik had sought council's presidency and made his comments after other council members instead chose Doug Shields for that post.

"I know that I reacted out of frustration and realized this morning that I was out of line and that I needed to apologize for them," he said.

The apology came shortly after he reiterated his disparaging comments on a KDKA-Radio morning show, he admitted. Shortly thereafter, he said, "I realized that the comments that I made were out of line."
But even after apologizing for insulting his colleagues, he still got in another insult:
Today Mr. Motznik denied lobbying for the post during Mr. O'Connor's final days, though he said he participated in meetings starting a week ago regarding how a transition to a new mayor would be handled. "Doug [Shields], the person who is president, was in those discussions, too, on Wednesday," he said.

Mr. O'Connor died late Friday.

Mr. Motznik said he did not believe his actions prior to the mayor's death were the real reason his bid for the presidency fell apart. "You know why I'm not the president? It's because I'm an independent person," he said, declining to elaborate.
Oh, I get it - the non-independent guy is now president of city-council.

What a class act.

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