September 6, 2006

Cheney/Specter Bill On NSA Warrantless Wiretapping Is No "Compromise"

A reminder to all that our very own Senator Arlen Specter has collaborated with Dick Cheney to create a bill to legitimatize the Bush Administration's lawless, warrantless wiretapping program.

The Senate Bill is S.2453 ("National Security Surveillance Act") and is expected to be voted on by the Senate Judiciary Committee. ( H.R.5825 is the companion bill in the House.)

The bills do the following:
* Allow the NSA to examine international phone conversations and e-mails of American residents and businesses, without any judicial approval and without any evidence the target is conspiring with al Qaeda;
* Authorize warrantless physical searches of Americans' homes and businesses without any judicial check; and
* Allow for the electronic surveillance of Americans without the warrants needed to protect the individual rights of people in the US.
More importantly, these bills are just one more power grab by our Unitary Executive (Emperor). It allows him to designate any American to be the subject of indefinite and secret monitoring WITH NO OVERSIGHT BY THE COURTS.

If you have a problem with this, please take action here.

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