September 7, 2006

Some Recent Casey Santorum Poll Numbers

First off, we have these numbers from USAToday/Gallup. The USAToday reported a few days ago:
In Pennsylvania, Sen. Rick Santorum trailed Democrat Bob Casey by 18 percentage points among likely voters, by 14 points among registered voters.
Actually, the numbers look more like this.
Among likely voters, the split is:
Casey 56%, Santorum 38% and 6% undecided.
Among registered voters, the split is:
Casey 49%, Santorum 35% and 16% undecided
So regardless whether the is posed to likely or registered voters incumbent Senator Rick Santorum after spending a huge amount of advertising money still (at least according to this poll) can't break 40%.

By the way yesterday on MSNBC Lil Ricky was interviewed by David Gregory and this poll came up in the conversation.
GREGORY: Senator, let's look at the -- one of the latest polls from USA Today/Gallup. This is back August 23 through 27, and it shows that you are trailing your opponent 56-38 percent -- trailing pretty badly.

SANTORUM: That's a bogus poll. The last seven polls other than that one had the race five, six or eight points. You know, we had that -- about two months ago, Rasmussen came out with a poll that had us 20 points down, when all of the other polls had it there, and about a month later, Rasmussen was back with all the other ones.
Basically Ricky's defense is that the Gallup poll is an anomaly. That there are seven other polls that show the race to be between 5 and 8 points.

We'll have to see whether it's an anomaly or the beginning of a trend.

Rick Santorum - Spent a fortune and still disliked by mostPennsylvania voters.



  1. Looks like those Gallup numbers really are outliers.

    The Wall Street Journal/Zogby Interactive poll has the race at 4.1%.

    That's a -4.7 net for Casey (-3.5 for Casey, +1.2 for Santorum).

    More here

  2. Too bad for poor Rick! His real trouble is that he has had his head buried up President Bush's "you know what" that he can't pull it back out like the rest of the frightened Republican candidates have been doing recently.

    As a native Pennsylvanian, I will be more than happy to see Santorum go!
