October 16, 2006

Casey Santorum Debate

7:00 just started. This time Casey and Santorum aren't within arms reach.

The first question was on North Korea - Rick turned it into a discussion of Iran. He claimed that Casey isn't in favor of Bunker Busting bombs or missile defense system. Casey said that isn't true.

7:10 Rick does it again. None of the answers Casey gave rate as "answers" for Rick. So then he claims "two for two." Two questions and two non-answers.

7:13 Rick does it again. "Three for three." Rick mentions a website that says that Casey comments on the "bunker busting boms" Looking for it now.

7:18 Casey's doing much better this time out. Rick's under much more self control. Maybe he took his meds today. However, in the discussion of the "Halliburton loophole" he was still got a little condescensing - Rick will always be Rick.

So far the two guys aren't stepping on eachother's lines this time.

Santorum Question for Casey: The rules state (so said George Stephanopolous) each guy get's one question. Rick starts by saying he has two questions. Rick breaks the rules. The first question was on caps of medical lawsuits. The second question is about importing pharmaceuticals. He asked why Casey wants to "destroy the pharmaceutical industry."

Casey questionfor Santorum. Casey will be releasing 5 years worth of personal income tax returns. Santorum says he will be "happy" to do that. He added that it will be "embarrassing given the amount of money I have."

7:32 Social Security Question. Rick says there's a clear difference between he and Casey. Rick believes that Social Security is "in crisis in the long term." He's then (I think) barely referenced that "everyone got distracted" after Clinton's initial work on Social Security 7 years ago. What happened then that got everyone distracted? MONICA LEWINSKY.

7:36 Rick is in favor of privatizing Social Security.

Rick and Casey disagree on how many gun dealers are in Philadelphia. Casey says 5,200. Rick says no.

Question from the website: Why do ads have to be so negative? Rick complains that Casey's ads are negative. Casey points out that "if there's anyone who knows about negative ads, it's Rick Santorum."

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