November 5, 2006

Duck & Cover! (The Vice Emperor is Coming)

From Think Progress:

Cheney: I Would ‘Probably Not’ Testify Before Congress, Even If Subpoenaed

This morning on ABC, George Stephanopoulos asked Vice President Cheney if he would testify before Congress if he was subpoenaed. Cheney said “probably not in the sense at that vice president and president and constitutional officers don’t appear before the Congress.”

Stephanopoulos noted that President Gerald Ford testified before Congress.
(Video Here)
Cheney is right. Subpoenas are sooo pre-9/11, let's just waterboard the bastard!

And, what are Cheney's plans for Election Day? He's going hunting for the first time since he shot an elderly man in the face.

So, remember if you see Unka Dick on Election Day: DUCK! He just may be Rove's October November Surprise.

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