November 6, 2006

Three Things

Three things to remember when you cast your vote tomorrow:



(NOTE: ABSOLUT vodka did not create or contribute to this material,
and has not authorized or approved it.)


Don't rubber stamp their madness!

Vote for change!



  1. Iraq? That monster Saddam Hussein was found guilty for crimes against humanity and you say Iraq?

    Funny how you both have NO comment on the verdict of Saddam Hussein. The man is sentenced to death for slaying millions of innocent people and you both have not a peep to say. Why? You know why. It would make Bush look good for taking out Hussein. Can't have that!

    Corruption? Sandy Berger anyone? Harry Reid anyone? Patrick Kennedy's drunken driving escapades? Jim Webb the pornography novel writer who writes about a father sticking his son's penis in his mouth. Rep. Barney Frank, The Massachusetts Democrat hired a male prostitute who ran a prostitution service from Frank’s residence in the 1980s. Only two Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to censure him in 1990. Sen. Teddy Kennedy. The liberal Massachusetts senator testified in defense of nephew accused of rape, invoking his family history to win over the jury in 1991. Not to mention a certain incident at Chappaquiddick in 1969 which wasn’t so much about sex as it was about swimming (or lack thereof). Former Rep. Fred Richmond. This New York Democrat was arrested in 1978 for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old. He remained in Congress and won re-election—before eventually resigning in 1982 after pleading guilty to tax evasion and drug possession. Oh wait, they are all Democrats, so it's *just* different.

    Incompetence? I take it that although Bush warned of the upcoming disaster directly to the Governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans as to which they ignored it, it's still Bush's fault. One of the strongest storms to hit through that area comes through, and it's ignored. The Democrat incompetence is then blamed on Bush, of course. Why? Because Democrats cannot be held responsible for their own actions; the blame needs to be passed onto someone else. All in typical liberal fashion.

    Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. It's either going to indicate that the American People fell asleep at the helm as they took in the lies of the Democrats, or it's going to indicate that the American People have had enough of you liberals and the final stake gets pushed through all of your hearts. We'll see.

  2. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. If independents stay home, disgusted by both sides, the republicans might keep one side of Congress.
    The day after tomorrow (so to speak) will also be interesting. Some fraction of the democrats running are actually fairly conservative, including Altmire and Casey. If the democrats do take Congress, the leadership may find itself without an actual majority, which is to say that regardless of Bush's veto, the democratic leadership may have trouble advancing their agenda (whatever that is).
    The last thing that is interesting is that many people have been complaining about the competance issue for literally six years now. The second midterm in a two term presidency is alway diffiult aparently, but this one is difficult not so much because of ideology as because of the competancy issue. Karl Rove was somewhat successful in his plans for a permanent Republican majority, it's just that Bush has stumbled in his minimal responsibilities. I mean, Iraq nad Katrina would be bad for anyone, but Bush found ways to make them particularly bad. I think there is still a five minute window to drop another 100,000 troops in Iraq (the only way to win), but Bush has to make some major sacrifices to regain the trust of the American people (McCain for defence?). Don't get me wrong, I think Americans will support some knid of national health care some time in the next twenty years, for example; people are selective in their conservativism. But I think at worst we are still very close to evenly divided, I think we shouldn't mistake a desire to punish republicans for incompetance as majority support for the democrat platform. And what does that say about '08?

  3. BTW, Master Lie, exactly what was the Sandy Berger scandal to which you refer? (This should be amusing.)

    How about the Reid scandal?

    I warn you, you'll have to cite your sources, or I shall be forced to spank you again.

  4. "But let's remember it's your side of the aisle that's producing sexual predators, wife beaters and theives, not mine."

    You forgot mistress stranglers!
