Democracy Has Prevailed.

November 7, 2006

Four Scary Words - Tony Norman

I usually enjoy reading Tony Norman's column. He's a good guy and a good writer.

I guess someone has to tell Tony that Halloween was last week. This week isn't the time to scare the bejesus out of us.

Take a look at today's column.

The column includes four of the scariest words in English.

Go read it and see.

I'm sure Tony meant well, but now I have to change my shorts.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

i'm climbing under my bed right now!!!

Anonymous said...

Starting the piece, I had no idea what you were talking about...but when I saw it, it brought me *right* up short.


Anonymous said...

I just vomited.

A Big Fat Slob said...


Anonymous said...

Cruel and unusual punishment...

EdHeath said...

*Spoiler alert*

You know, I *don't* really enjoy Tony that much anymore. In this case, he is posing a ridiculous scenario. Actually, his scenario might have had some traction if Santorum were going to win this election. Cheney still could have stepped down and Santorum could have stepped in. I thought all along Santorum might be a possibility for VP if a southerner or westerner got the GOP nomination in ’08. But now Santorum is going to be a mildly ineffective lobbyist, because (as David Brooks pointed out) he is not that well liked on the hill. Santorum may surprise you all and go to work for a global poverty cause, it actually fits in with his past behavior.

Meanwhile, if Norman had made a joke about people ducking when Cheney fired, that *might* have been funny. The drugged animals shtick I just found juvenile, not to say infantile. His imagined conversations are a little too liberal smug and self congratulatory. Woody Allen’s imagined future (in Sleeper) where steaks and rich deserts turn out to be the true health foods, now that’s funny.

Anonymous said...

Tony Norman has devolved into something of a horse's ass. He did more harm than good when he did the column making up cruel nicknames for Santorum's kids. That was nothing more than back-of-the-school-bus crap. He embarrasses himself when he goes on with McIntire and serves as his personal laugh track.

Maria said...

Maybe Tony's just a happy guy.

Seriously, I've always enjoyed his appearances on McIntire since back when he used to be a frequent guest on the old TV show so I'd be saying that even if he hadn't had David and I on as his guests on the radio.

And the drugged animal part? Remember that Cheney likes to shoot birds whose wings have been clipped. I'm sure they would have been drugged too if it wasn't so labor intensive. ;-)