Democracy Has Prevailed.

November 1, 2006

Should Bush apologize for being too stupid to understand when he's being called stupid?

The question in today's news is should John Kerry apologize for remarks he made in a speech yesterday where he flubbed a line criticizing the president.

I have some questions of my own:
  • Should Bush apologize for being too stupid to understand when he's being called stupid?

  • Should Bush apologize for attacking a sovereign nation which was no threat to the US?

  • Should Bush apologize for cherry-picking the intelligence to convince the nation to go to war with Iraq?

  • Should Bush apologize for sending in too few troops, who were under-armored, with no plan for an insurgency, and no exit strategy while cutting $24.7 billion from veterans’ medical care, disability compensation and other benefits?

  • Should Bush apologize for for the photo op where he stood under a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished" and then trying to blame that banner on the US Navy?

  • Should Bush apologize for making a joke about looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction in his office while our troops were dying in Iraq?

  • Should Bush apologize for the Swiftboating of Kerry (who was decorated for bravery in combat in Vietnam) while Bush was busy heroically guarding the US border from Mexico during that same time?

  • Should Bush apologize for getting as many US soldiers killed as the terrorists killed American citizens?

  • Should Bush apologize for being responsible for actually creating more terrorists than have been captured or killed?

  • Should Bush apologize for demonizing the Democrats at every opportunity . . . Questioning our patriotism, implying -- or outright stating in the case of others in his administration -- that Democrats are aiding and abetting terrorists?

  • Should Bush (and some in the MSM) apologize for deliberating ignoring the rest of Kerry's speech which made it clear that he was criticizing Bush and not the troops and expressing faux outrage because Bush and the rest of the Rethuglicans are desperate to gain any traction a week before the election?

  • And, should John McCain apologize for his remarks yesterday where he made a statement about feeling sorry for veterans who lost their limbs in Iraq that sounds good in a 10 second soundbite except when you realize he made it in the context of campaigning for a Rethuglican running against a Democratic veteran who had lost her own limbs in Iraq?
  • Here's the clip the media is endlessly playing:

    (Here's a link if that's not loading right)

    Here's Kerry's righteous response to the Rethuglicans second Swiftboating of him and all Democrats:

    In it he says:
    "I'm not going to be lectured by a stuffed-suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium, or doughy Rush Limbaugh, who no doubt today will take a break from belittling Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's disease to start lying about me just as they have lied about Iraq."

    He further expressed disgust with "Republican hacks, who have never worn the uniform of our country."

    Kerry added that President Bush and Vice President Cheney "owe our troops an apology" because they "misled America into war."
    Amen to that!

    (H/T to Shakespeare's Sister where I found the video of Kerry striking back and a full transcript of his remarks and another H/T to jaybeck at Daily Kos for properly framing the question that is the title of this post.)


    Anonymous said...

    As I posted in Comments From Left Field:

    As the father of a son in the Army, I found Kerry's remarks merely reinforced our view that the left hates the military and, incredibly, my disgust for Kerry grew (I didn't that possible).

    Pretty soon you all will go back to the VietNam days of spitting on soldiers as they return to the US

    Anonymous said...


    the whole "spitting on returning Vietnam Vets" thing is a myth.

    Didn't happen.

    There was not one single media report of an spitting incident during the war.

    Anonymous said...

    Oh, so you were there?

    Spoken like one who has absolutely no idea of what they are talking. (You used an encyclopedia to back up your argument?!?)

    When you walk the walk, then you can talk the talk.

    Anonymous said...

    Nice try, x, but no hand grenade.

    That kind of stuff will work on the sheep who will already vote for the miscreants on your side, but voters with even a small sliver of brain know that Kerry was slamming the low-voltage intelligence of the Bush Administration, not the troops.

    Remember, Kerry was there. He was a troop. It was the draft-dodgers in the White House and the right-wing media who were MFA -- missing for action. They were also the ones who "went to war with the Army you have, not the Army you want."

    The Bushies are the ones who insult the troops' intelligence by sending them, under-equipped, into an unplanned-for situation, to give their Halliburton cronies the opportunity to "misplace" another 8 billion dollars.

    So please, keep this topic alive on all the blogs you infest. Keep giving us who see the truth more opportunities to point out the corruption, the hypocracy, and the deception of your masters.

    BTW, not that it affects the validity of the argument either way, but: yes, I am a US Army veteran, 1969-1972.

    Anonymous said...

    Believe what you want, REMF.

    Anonymous said...

    Believe what you want, REMF.

    I want to thank you, x, for once again giving me the opportunity to cut to the heart of the issue.

    Wing nuts act on what they believe regardless of the facts.

    Reasonable people base their actions on actual, visible conditions, not on beliefs such as "They'll shower our troops with flowers and candy."

    Please respond to this so that I can body-slam you again.

    Anonymous said...

    Body slam? Do you believe your nonsensical drivel is a body slam?

    What color is the sky in your world?

    BTW - I noticed you didn't refute the REMF slam. Were you really in the army? Do you know what a REMF is? Does it embarrass you? Are you merely a wannabe?

    Just because Kerry served doesn't mean he hasn't lost his way since then. I'd say he forfeited the patriot tag when he did his infamous Congressional testimony during the Viet Nam war. Note he didn't refute the Swifties during the election, he just acted angry.

    You bore me now. Time for lunch.

    Macko Usko said...

    I think the republicans are clutching at straws, there is real anger about the direction of the USA at many levels, not only the war, but also inequality.

    Soldiers are mostly from poor families, especially in the USA. Why is that? Why aren't rich kids going off to war? What kind of democracy allows this to happen?

    The fact that the poor are usually not very educated (some are stupid some are normal but none have made the most of their talents by working low paid jobs) reflects the fact that most higher education in the US is very expensive and private. Poor people are mostly excluded from it. The big change now is that unlike the past if you don't have a college degree you are unlikely to get a good job, and blue collar jobs are going to China Mexico and India, making the rich people that own the companies exporting those jobs richer (shareholders are included in this).

    Increasingly middle income americans are affected too, mostly through their children. Sometimes as there are no good jobs to go to to live like a human being, people are forced to go to the army as it offers training and the only viable career...
    Some become criminals... some become cleaners etc..

    Whereas C students like Bush succeed based on their parents money not their own efforts, so this is hardly meritocracy. I wouldn't call Bush a smart man. I think he has outsourced the thinking to other unelected people which is a problem in a democracy.

    As we live in a world were the rich can avoid the army, saying that poor people are the ones fighting the war is not a lie... Just think about it...

    Both Bush and Cheney avoided going to Vietnam by Bush getting his rich family to intervene for him to guard the fearsome invaders in Texas (i.e. nobody), always at the ready from the bar, armed with several bottles of alcohol. Whereas Cheney used his university study as a reason not to go to Vietnam.

    If they had fought in a war i would have much more time in listening to Bush or Cheney talk about the necessity of war, the reality is neither has experienced it... and they talk far too much about it.

    Anonymous said...

    I think this is more important than Kerry:

    WASHINGTON, Oct. 30 — A classified briefing prepared two weeks ago by the United States Central Command portrays Iraq as edging toward chaos, in a chart that the military is using as a barometer of civil conflict.


    The conclusions the Central Command has drawn from these trends are not encouraging, according to a copy of the slide that was obtained by The New York Times. The slide shows Iraq as moving sharply away from “peace,” an ideal on the far left side of the chart, to a point much closer to the right side of the spectrum, a red zone marked “chaos.” As depicted in the command’s chart, the needle has been moving steadily toward the far right of the chart.

    An intelligence summary at the bottom of the slide reads “urban areas experiencing ‘ethnic cleansing’ campaigns to consolidate control” and “violence at all-time high, spreading geographically.” According to a Central Command official, the index on civil strife has been a staple of internal command briefings for most of this year. The analysis was prepared by the command’s intelligence directorate, which is overseen by Brig. Gen. John M. Custer.

    Maria said...

    "A classified briefing prepared two weeks ago by the United States Central Command portrays Iraq as edging toward chaos, in a chart that the military is using as a barometer of civil conflict."

    Why muddy the water with facts?

    Anonymous said...

    Do you believe your nonsensical drivel is a body slam?
    See, you were paying no more attention to my post than you do to reality. Belief has nothing to do with it, except in your deluded little world. Facts are what matter. When whackos act on beliefs that defy the facts, then poor slobs like you and me have to pay the bills for messes your people made in Vietnam and Iraq.

    Were you really in the army?
    You could look it up, x, if you knew how. You have my name. I'm not hiding behind a handle as you are.

    You bore me now. Time for lunch.
    Yeah, you're so bored you have saliva running down your face. And don't bother going to lunch, x. I already ate your lunch.

    Anonymous said...

    Of Course they're kicking the distraction machine into gear. Their campaign staff physically attacked a constituent in Virginia, Bush is claiming, "If Democrats win, terrorists win," and there's a racist campaign in TN. Ah yes, John Kerry is a threat to democracy.

    All they care about is their own power. They don't believe in the constitution or democracy.

    Anonymous said...

    Mike, you're right, but my theory is that it can only work against them. (Of course, we'll see about that. I'm the guy who was so sure that America wasn't stupid enough to elect King George the 41st.)

    But my reasoning here is that they already have the votes of all the dimwits they can exploit, and they already know how to get them to the polls.

    People who are paying attention know that Kerry was calling Bush uneducated, not the troops. This thing just gives the Dems the chance to keep reminding everyone how screwed up this mess is.

    But when you're way behind at the end of the game, desperation says you need to throw up a hail mary pass, even though it's probably going to fail.

    EdHeath said...

    Actually, the funny thing is that Kerry meant to focus solely on Bush, how his stupidity got *us* into the war in Iraq. The *us* was missing, and Kerry instead focused the debate on an uncomfortable place, that the people joining the military probably fall into to groups, patriots who rushed to serve after 9/11 and poor people using the military as a vehicle out of poverty. The pool from the first group has probably dried up, and the second group has become a poor commentary on a volunteer army, their service seeming more like mercenary work. I am sure that those of us who have no one in our immediate family in Iraq are pretty uncomfortable, and don’t know whether to defend Kerry or just shake our heads at *his* stupidity for trying that joke. Regardless, someone should muzzle John Kerry, and fire Howard Dean. The Democrats need to take the risk and develop a national message now, so the voters can choose between two parties, not between one party and one not-the-republicans party. I know that some party of the machine has said something, but the democrats need to take a page from the republicans and all say some shared phrases. Then maybe they will seem trustworthy and respectable.

    Anonymous said...

    John Kerry should muzzle himself. He's starting to make himself look like a loser.

    Anonymous said...

    Hey nimrods:

    Check out Drudge. The soldiers answered Kerry.

    They know who is behind them, and who is against them.

    You all should be ashamed.

    Anonymous said...

    Democrats = the party who delights in hating our military men and women who volunteered to put themselves in harms way to protect the safety of this great country of ours so people like you can smear them and support members of your political party who call them uneducated.

    John Kerry meant what he meant when he said our brave men and women in the military are uneducated. When he got "called" on it, he then puts the typical liberal spin on it and attempts to blame someone else for what he said...and in this case, he blames Bush. Fancy that.

    Kerry then reinforced what I've said before on here, and that is this:

    When a liberal says something that offends others, that very same liberal will then say it was only a joke. However, don't EVER offend a liberal...because if you do, well...the "outrage!" card will be played. It never fails.

    By the way, if the Democrats get their power back, you can be rest assured that they will see to it that the following will be put into effect, as soon as they possibly can:

    End the War in Iraq Act (McGovern, D-MA)—H.R. 4232. Defunds the War in Iraq, forcing immediate troop withdrawal.

    Oh wait a minute, didn't the two who run this blog accuse George W Bush and Santorum of "Cut and Run?"

    You diabolical hypocrites.

    Maria said...

    Are you trying to say that Dems would abandon the troops...Oh, wait a minute, that's what Bush just did to a missing soldier in Iraq because the Iraqis told him to.

    Anonymous said...

    Hey, x. It's good to see you back posting drivel again. And I see you brought your puppy with you. I hate to tell you this, but you are both sounding mighty desperate.

    You took a mighty long lunch again, x. Did you use the time to look up my military service? Oh, I forgot: Facts don't impress you, do they? It's just so much more convenient to believe stuff that doesn't make sense.

    Speaking of military service, we don't actually have any way of verifying yours, do we? Hiding behind that handle, huh? Maybe you didn't understand that being a member of Captain Video's Space Rangers doesn't count as actual military service.

    It hurts me to agree with you about anything, but when you're right, you're right. The Bushies are behind our troops, all right. The way Macbeth was behind Duncan.

    Well, let me know when you'd like me to slap you down again, x.

    And as for your little pubescent friend, tell him to wipe the drool off his chin. Oh, that's not drool is it?

    Anonymous said...

    John Schutrick, you're such the big man, talking like you know anything and everything. So, let me ask you this, is it possible that you can answer one's question without insulting them? Oh wait, you're a liberal, you can't. Insulting people is just your way of answering questions when you don't have an honest answer to start with.

    Anonymous said...

    My military family did not buy the republican lie that John Kerry was speaking about the troops. We watched the whole clip - not just the edit GOP lie - and we KNOW that Kerry was speaking about our incredibly horrible president- not the troops.
    You people who continue to spread this GOP untruth make me sick.

    Anonymous said...

    DL, I have been trying to be nice to you, considering your tender years. I will give you one piece of advice, but then I'm afraid I'm going to have to be firm with you.

    Here's the advice: Stay away from these people -- I mean older conservatives and priests. They will just use your body and discard you. Don't take my word for it, just read any newspaper. You do read now, don't you? Of course you do, you even sort of read my previous posts, didn't you? Keep up the good work and learn something.

    Now the hard part: Try putting aside your overwhelming adolescent anger for just a few minutes and read what you're writing. Have you answered a question? Have your febrile (it's not dirty, you can look it means "feverish") assertions even once made any contact with reality? Have you even responded reasonably to anyone else's posts? Here's three answers for you: no, no, and no.

    If you ever grow up and survive the draft that sends you to the next place they want to stir up more terrorism, you may discover that people like me actually are big men, and people like you are children. It's OK for you to be a child now, and to think like one. Just be wary. If you still have these kind of political thoughts after you mature, you could grow up to be just another Wing Nut. Then you'll only have two choices: Either fight as a pawn in the next meaningless but immensely profitable Neocon war; or evade it and become a senior member of the White House staff. If you are faced with this terrible choice, I trust you will take the honorable course. But if you do, you could wind up being just a knee-jerk Rapepublican like ol' x there. (You know, it occurs to me that I've never actually seen him claim that he was in the military. He says he has a son in the military, he implies that he was in 'Nam, and he calls himself a ranger, but that could be a forest ranger for all we know.)

    As for getting into a "discussion" with you about anything substantive (no, this isn't a dirty word either, but I'm going to make you look it up yourself), I'm afraid you just lack the ammunition. Unlike conservative legislators, I don't attack defenseless women and children.

    Anonymous said...

    Hey yunz guy, cut xranger a break! After all, Jim Quinn has to do something when he's not on the air!

    Shawn said...

    "You diabolical hypocrites."

    Wait, one minute we're hypocrites and idiots, and the next we're Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius?

    Hell, I wish I were diabolical. I mean, I could be all sinister n' stuff instead of wasting my insomia on spitballing with a bunch of p.o.'d righties.

    Anonymous said...

    Yeah Shawn, p.o.'d righties who are sick and tired of the moonbat lefties putting a spin on things members of their own party do wrong.

    John Shoestring's comments are a prime example. He thinks he's better than everyone else. I bet he thinks that he poops gold, too. Oh well, whatever makes his sorry little existence happy.

    Moving forward:

    *cough* Any questions?

    But don't question Kerry's patriotism.

    "...And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not..."

    LOL. You people are pa-the-tic.

    Really, I do love these online discussions with you all. Time and time and time again, the proof is in the pudding when it comes to showing me that you're all the kings and queens of hypocrisy.

    Anonymous said...

    Dear Master Lie (or would you prefer that I call you Democrats?),

    Although this election has nothing to do with whether I think I'm better than anyone else, I'm going to respond just because you amuse me and it amuses me to do so. Now read and learn.

    -- There are literally billions of people in the world that I think are better than me, but none of them are adolescent Wing Nuts.

    -- As much as it might stimulate you, I'm afraid I am not prepared to discuss the color, content, or aroma of my "poop." If you want this kind of action, you'll have to find a boy your own age, or a Republican legislator.

    -- You will probably be amazed to learn that you are not the very first person ever to make light of my name. You are, however, one of the first over the age of, say, 8 years of age. (You are over the age of 8 after your last birthday, right?)

    -- So I gather you do think that our young men and women should be terrorizing innocent Iraqi women and children? I guess in your faith-based world, that constitutes an effective way to stabilize a country.

    -- But the thing that makes my "sorry little existence happy" is educating you.

    Thanks again for the opportunity to make you look silly. Talk to you next time.

    Maria said...

    "As much as it might stimulate you, I'm afraid I am not prepared to discuss the color, content, or aroma of my "poop." If you want this kind of action, you'll have to find a boy your own age, or a Republican legislator."


    Shawn said...

    Wow, I wish I could poop gold! That'd be freakin' sweet!

    I mean, I could pay off my student loans, go to Vegas for a week, or, or,...anything!

    And then I'd give some of it to Jason Altmire and Bobby Casey just 'cuz I could. Heh heh heh...

    Anonymous said...

    Yeah, but it's really tricky cleaning it up.

    Anonymous said...

    Mr. Shoestring, again, you just demonstrated your uncanniness when it comes to insulting people when you don't have an intelligent response to begin with.

    Speaking of Legislators: You were speaking about perhaps Gerry Studds, who the congressman from Massachusetts who had sex with a 17 year old male page, but yet he never resigned his position and he served FIVE MORE terms. Yep...that's who you were speaking of. Oh yeah, didn't Foley resign? To which I say good riddance.

    You are such the liberal moonbat hypocrite, aren't you? You're such a big bad ass with the put downs and such but when the crap hits the fan, that's all you can do. You cannot say anything worthwhile otherwise.

    Try harder again next time, but this time, use two hands instead of one...

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for teeing another one up for me, Master Lie. (You still haven't told me whether you'd prefer the appellation "Democrats." Unlike you, I like to give people the respect of calling them the name they give me.)

    Contemplate your own post, if you will: He served FIVE MORE terms. That would mean...what? That his constituents elected him five more times! Can you imagine who the Rapepublicans must have been running against him, that they preferred a homosexual child molester?

    BTW, he was censured by his colleagues in a Democratic House. Have the Rapepublicans censured Foley?

    How about Delay?

    How about Cunningham?

    How about Ney?

    How about Sherwood?

    How about Gibbons?

    How about Weldon?

    All these guys, and a few I haven't mentioned, are involved in heavy sex or corruption scandals, but your party at one point actually changed their rules to allow their folks to remain in leadership positions after being indicted!

    You're really starting to rave, Master Lie, so I'm going to give you a couple days off. I'll talk to you again after the Dems whip your party's sorry butt. Could you possibly stay on this blog and whine for us? It'll be quite a pleasure.

    Anonymous said...

    John, whining? Isn't that something your poltical party is good at? After all, look at the whining you all did after Kerry's boofage?

    You just don't know when to quit with the put downs. You have nothing intelligent to say except with the put downs. Sure sign of a weak mind if you ask me. But go on, keep making an ass out of yourself.

    Keep typing with that one hand you have because we all know what the other hand is doing.

    Keep demonstrating your liberal belief in compassion, and diversity.

    It's only "diverse" if one agrees with your political beliefs. Otherwise, it's the middle finger to those that don't go with your political beliefs.