January 2, 2007

Wage Peace Vigil Tonight


"Not one more death. Not one more dollar."

A vigil will be held today, January 2nd, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm as the U.S. death toll in Iraq has surpassed 3,000. They will gather on the steps of 6th Presbyterian Church at Forbes and Murray.

Diane Santoriello, Gold Star Mother of Neil Santoriello, will speak and Samuel Hazo, former PA state poet, will read his poem "Parting Shot."

Date: Today, January 2nd from 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Location: Squirrel Hill, Forbes & Murray, steps of 6th PresbyterianChurch.

Sponsors: American Friends Service Committee, Code Pink, Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families Speak Out, Network of Spiritual Progressives, Women's International Leage for Peace and Freedom.

Details & RSVP: http://afsc.org/3000/event_details.php?ID=1

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