January 2, 2007

Who Supports dubya's War - the Senate edition

Say it ain't so!

Robert Novak is reporting that:
President Bush and McCain, the front-runner for the party's 2008 presidential nomination, will have trouble finding support from more than 12 of the 49 Republican senators when pressing for a surge of 30,000 troops. "It's Alice in Wonderland," Sen. Chuck Hagel, second-ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, told me in describing the proposal. "I'm absolutely opposed to sending any more troops to Iraq. It is folly."
Twelve out of 49 is about 24% isn't it?  So support for dubya's escalation is running somewhere around 24% AMONG REPUBLICANS IN THE US SENATE.  That's bad news for dubya.  More bad news from Novak:
Even in Mississippi, the reddest of red states, where Bush's approval rating has just inched above 50 percent, Republicans see no public support for more troops. What is happening inside the president's party is reflected by defection from support for his war policy after November's election by two Republican senators who face an uphill race for reelection in 2008: Gordon Smith of Oregon and Norm Coleman of Minnesota. Coleman announced his opposition to the idea after returning from a trip to Iraq that preceded McCain's.[emphasis added]
The Republican monolithic front is dissolving (has dissolved, will be dissolving more - you decide):
I checked with prominent Republicans around the country and found them confused and disturbed about the surge. They incorrectly assumed that the presence of Republican stalwart James Baker as co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group meant it was Bush-inspired (when it really was a bipartisan creation of Congress). Why, they ask, is the president casting aside the commission's recommendations and calling for more troops?
I'm asking the same question.  Most rational people are, too.


  1. And the point here is...?

  2. Here's my reading of the point: Bob Novak, one of the Bush Administration's most ardent supporters, believes that the great majority of Republican Senators are looking to cover their political asses by opposing American escalation of the Mess in Mesopotamia.

    Does that strike you as pointless?

  3. Quoting the Wicked Witch of the West, re the Repubs:

    "I'm melting"
