Democracy Has Prevailed.

February 2, 2007

Reminder: John McIntire on OffQ Tonight

Looks like regular panelist Fred Honsberger won't be joining MacYapper tonight on OffQ at 7:30 on WQED TV. Mean Bill Green will serve in his place.

Regular Valerie McDonald Roberts and new regular Heather Heidelbaugh will also join host Chris Moore on this evening's program.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

i'll be watching.

Bram Reichbaum said...

The man, evidently, knows one nice shirt.

But I do like how he took it to Heather.

Bram Reichbaum said...

I'm also glad he stuck up for my fave presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

(that should read "owns", not "knows", though)

Anonymous said...

Did Heather show any thigh?

Grace said...

Heather had make-up on and showed alot of forehead (for an older chick). BUT....she was so much nicer than 'Pro-life Prostitute Hooker Boots Ruth Ann'.
I actually enjoyed watching this episode of OffQ. Didn't yell at the TV once!
Maybe they should replace Honsberger with Mean Bill Green....what an idea!

Anonymous said...

Why the love for McIntire? He's a rude little bastard who blogs about having sex with Betty Ford.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: "Why the love for McIntire? He's a rude little bastard who blogs about having sex with Betty Ford."

I agree. McIntire is nothing more than a jagoff.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, McIntire's is all that and worse, but he was a more effective liberal on the panel than anyone else, especially that poser from 105.9 the X.

Heather showed only a little knee, above the boots. But that's okay, because I have a thing for uptight republican women. Ann Coulter makes me go ahoooogah.

Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter makes me go ahoooogah.
That's sick. She's a fairly grim looking broad, and would be unattractive even after a complete personality transplant.

Anonymous said...

I could go for Heather, too. The whole MILF, along with really bad political views. Makes it all somehow strangely appealing. Plus I'll bet she wears frilly undies.

Maria said...

I's the male version of women who like 'bad boys.'

But still, Coultergiest? Ewwwww!

Shawn said...

Please stop talking about Ann Coulter. I'm losing my appetite.

Anonymous said...

And I'm losing my lunch.

Anonymous said...

Coulter is just too skinny. I also think she may not have any equipment. She may be smooth and generic down there, like a Barbie doll. Could account for her constant foul mood.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i like seeing johnny mac and mean bill spar. i enjoy them.

ann c. is the only wonan i've ever seen that has an adam's apple.

Anonymous said...

You know what the scuttlebutt is about her...

Anonymous said...

I sure don't.

Anonymous said...

Sherry, are you staying warm enough? I see you with baggy longjohns over your sexy black stockings.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

anon, i have enough layers on to look like the goodyear blimp! sexy is not even in my vocabulary! geeezzzz! ; )

Anonymous said...

Sexy is in the eye of the beholder, my sweet Sherry.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

thank you kindly, but i think you need an eye exam.

Anonymous said...

My vision is fine, dear. Now let's get in front of the fireplace and un-layer you.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

geeeezzzzzz, politics, think politics.

Anonymous said...

Feh. Politics is a filthy business. I like poets. They're so soulful.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i can't argue that. well, i could, but nope, i'll take the compliment for me and all my fellow soulful poets. : )