March 4, 2007

ACDC Endorsements

As theburgher said in the Comments Section of this post:

"Well at least we maybe got one.

We might have got Michael Lamb, progressive burghosphere.

Every other progressive lost.

Dowd, Arnet, Peduto, Krause, Frazier, Cleary. Maybe Lamb, but we're pulling for him.

Bad night for progressives in W. Pa."
And, as Macyapper put it:

The Sheep Fall In Line"
Yes, the Old School won, and by "old" we mean that the Allegheny County Democratic Committee members decided to vote for that nice young man who reminds them of their favorite grandson. (And, don't cha know it's considered bad form to run against a current ACDC member even if they have one foot in the grave. For example, if Anna Nicole Smith and James Brown were ACDC members, it might be OK to run against Anna who's already buried, but James? That would still be rude, young man.)

The Post-Gazette has Ravenstahl winning 602 votes to Peduto's 163. Smitty from the Flats over at the aforementioned The Burgh Report post has a more detailed breakdown of the votes on the rest of the races, however.

Current Mood:

But remember, now it's time to take it to the actual voters.

You can sign up to help out here.


  1. Talk about a smack down eh?

    I didn't even think it would be that bad.

  2. The post-endorsement spin is everything.

    Ravenstahl at minimum held serve. He is the incumbent and had Burnorato working overtime for him.

    Peduto, on the other hand, would at least like to have broke 200.

    Long-term this is good for Peduto because he is at least communicating with the committee, but he better have something in the cooker for this week to change subjects -- although Pekora v. Lamb may do that for him.

  3. McIntire makes an ass of himself again. In his City Paper column, he predicted a close vote with the possibility of a Peduto upset. Maybe he should forget about politics in his blog and just stick to posting pics of Brittney Spears' bald beaver.

  4. "Long-term this is good for Peduto"

    Nice try at spin.

  5. Long-term meaning not this election.

    Building a relationship with the ACDC takes time. Peduto had to meet/call every member in the city.

    That will help him in future campaigns.

  6. Interesting that you say "building a relationship w/the ACDC takes time" - how much "time" has Luke put into the process? This is just more confirmation that Luke is a tool.

  7. Yes Bill spent a lot of time and resurces courting the committee.It was an exercise well spent. Now is the time where a candidate like Bill Peduto will shine.He needs to expand upon his core base of support in the East End;he needs to convince "indie voters" to register as Dems and support him;he needs to break up the monolithic vote that comes out of the black community.

  8. You really missed something if you didn't see him on Night Talk tonight.

    He's great when he gets feisty and he was really fired up.

    This is the Peduto that the voters need to see.

    I'm sure it will be rerun sometime tomorrow.

  9. unfortunately not available on the DishNetwork..hopefully they'll youtube it.

  10. A whole 10 people watch that show? Right?

    That host is terrible.

  11. Yes, Ann Devlin was boring. Your buddy (lol) McIntire was far better.

    They dumped Devlin and had Pintek as the host on Monday.

  12. Matt H,

    "A whole 10 people watch that show? Right?"

    Well, gee, maybe if your boy would finally agree to an actual televised debate, more people could see the both of them.

  13. I guess next time he should try cash instead of aprons to buy votes. It would be great to have an electable progressive candidate. Otis is not electable. Peduto only communicates with committee people who are already supporting him. Take a look at the mailings he sent to the committee people. If they were on the fence before, those deceptive mailings will push them to Ravenstahl.
