March 5, 2007

Ann Coulter Explains, Republicans React

First, Ann. This is from the New York Times (a place where Ann "joked" about killing all the journalists inside):
Ms. Coulter, asked for a reaction to the Republican criticism, said in an e-mail message: “C’mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean.”
Funny, huh?

Some Republican reactions.

Senator John McCain's spokesman:
The comments were wildly inappropriate.
Rudy Giuliani:
The comments were completely inappropriate and there should be no place for such name-calling in political debate.
Kevin Madden, Governor Mitt Romney's spokesman:
It was an offensive remark. Governor Romney believes all people should be treated with dignity and respect.

That Coulter wannabe, Michelle Malkin:

Her "faggot" joke was not just a distraction from all the good that was highlighted and represented at the conference. It was the equivalent of a rhetorical fragging--an intentionally-tossed verbal grenade that exploded in her own fellow ideological soldiers' tent.


With a single word, Coulter sullied the hard work of hundreds of CPAC participants and exhibitors and tarred the collective reputation of thousands of CPAC attendees.
And finally, Cliff Kincaid over at Accuracy in Media:
The political equivalent of Britney Spears shaving the hair off her head, Ann Coulter made headlines at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) by calling Democrat John Edwards a faggot. Wearing a leather dress and a Christian cross around her neck, Coulter must be a liberal infiltrator whose purpose is to give conservatism a bad name.
Ironically, Coulter's "joke" about Edwards was presented in the context of saying that if she used the word "faggot" to describe him, she would have to go into rehab. The idea of getting Coulter some professional help doesn't sound so funny to me.
I wonder how Rush is gonna spin this one.


  1. I don't understand the outrage over this particular incident. Ms. Coulter is a person who, in the normal course of business, puts the word "traitor" into the title of her books, recommends death for political opponents, and has earned millions upon millions of dollars doing this and far worse. At least she refrained from calling for the immediate dismemberment of all gays, Jews, blacks, and gypsies this time. This was a fairly mild statement for Wingnut Barbie.

    Further, she is hardly alone in her attitude or writing style. Many, many conservative hate-mongers publish books reflecting similar views (Limbaugh, Hannity, and Bernie Goldberg come immediately to mind). And did you hear the reaction from the crowd when she called Edwards a faggot? They were delighted!

    These are the people you need to please to be a Republican candidate or personality at the national level. Give her a break: She's just doing what she does to make a living. She always makes a bundle from being hateful; she'll make another bundle from it again.

  2. I don't buy the conservatives "outrage" over Coulter's remarks. AFter all, CPAC participants applauded after Coulter called Edwards a faggot.
