March 7, 2007

Lest we forget...

A long prison term will give I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby more time to write more books about bears trained to rape little girls.

See? There's always a silver lining...


  1. i had forgotten about it. not the book, but that libby was the writer.
    seems there were/are mote than one high profile republican that likes to try to write "shocking/soft porn" novels. lynn chaney among others if i'm not mistaken, but
    the libby book just makes me shudder.
    as a poet i'm all for freedom to write what one chooses, but as a human being and a mother and a grandmother, i think he is one sick puppy and misinformed about wildlife and human anatomy to boot!
    i have to shake my head now, recalling how the jurors from his trial said they were sympathetic towards him because of his demeanor. i wouldn't want anyone that could imagine that scence and write it down and submit it for publication no less, living near me.
    what he wrote in that chapter comes real close to illegal in my book.

  2. How quick we are to judge, Maria. Let he who has never written a book about bears raping little girls be the first to cast stones.
