March 7, 2007

Stop the Bus Cuts Press Conference -- Today!

WHAT: Stop the Bus Cuts Press Conference
WHEN: Wednesday March 7th, 2007, 8:30 AM
WHERE: County Courthouse -- Grant Street between Forbes and Fifth Avenues

From a The STOP THE BUS CUTS CAMPAIGN press release:
Mr. Onorato,

We Can't Afford to Lose Our Transit!

More than 10,000 people have signed our petition so far…

The STOP the Bus Cuts Campaign will hold a press conference Wednesday March 7th, 2007, 8:30am in front of the County Courthouse (Grant Street between Forbes and Fifth Avenues ).

The STOP THE BUS CUTS CAMPAIGN is: concerned transit riders, The Mon Valley Unemployed Committee, SEIU, UNITE-HERE, The League of Young Voters, ACORN, Save Our Transit & the Almagamated Transit Union. We believe there are ways to fix the Port Authority without cutting service.

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