July 5, 2007

DeSantis Pledges Not to Accept Gifts & Favors as Mayor

From the Mark DeSantis Campaign:



1) Mr. DeSantis states that as Mayor, “my focus will be on Pittsburgh’s problems and not on accepting personal perks.”

Mr. DeSantis makes this assertion in light of the revelation that Mr. Ravenstahl accepted a gift worth approximately $9,000.00 that included golf “at the Laurel Valley Golf Club, breakfast and lunch in a private dining
area, a gift bag, a commemorative money clip, an evening social and prizes for top finishers.” (From Post-Gazette article dated July 5, 2007). Mr. Ravenstahl accepted this gift instead of attending a public hearing on his controversial promotion of three Pittsburgh police officers with past histories of domestic violence. Mr. DeSantis wants to assure Pittsburgh voters that he will take the responsibility of addressing their needs and priorities in a serious manner.

2) Further, Mr. DeSantis believes that Mr. Ravenstahl’s conduct violates the City of Pittsburgh charter. Specifically, it violates § 197.07 regarding accepting gifts and favors. The ordinance states as follows:
A public official, City employee or agent of the City shall not solicit or accept from an interested party, nor shall any interested party offer or give anything of value to a public official, City employee or agent of the city, subject to the following exceptions:
* * *
(f) Admissions to cultural or athletic events not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per calendar year in the aggregate and one hundred dollars ($100.00) per calendar year from any single person, agent or other interested party; (Ord. 2-1992, eff. 2-13-92)

An “interested party” is defined under the ordinance as:
* * *
(1) A person or agent having or seeking to obtain a contract, grant, employment or any financial relationship with the City or any of its departments, agencies, boards, commissions or authorities;
(2) A principal, agent and/or attorney in legal proceedings in which the City is then an adverse party; or
(3) A person with an interest that may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the official duties of the public official or City employee.
(Ord. 28-1990, eff. 11-28-90)
Mr. Ravenstahl accepted a gift/favor from an interested party and received admission to an athletic event that was worth in excess of $250.00. In addition, he received several other gifts due to his attendance. Mr. Ravenstahl’s focus appears to be on personal gain, rather than governmental accountability. Mr. DeSantis will restore accountability and honesty in government as Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh.
3) Mr. DeSantis is available for interviews on this subject matter.


http://www.municode.com/resources/gateway.asp?pid=13525&sid=3 (LINK TO CITY CHARTER)
An article in today's Post-Gazette identifies which "interested party" sponsored Luke's golfing vacation: UPMC.

UPMC, being one of the region's largest businesses, of course often has occasion to look for "good will" from City government. Very recent examples of this was their competing to become the single source health care provider in the Mayor's new employee wellness and health care plan and their request to erect a giant 20 foot tall sign on top of the U.S. Steel Tower in Downtown.

Ironically, UPMC just "drafted a get-tough policy that would prohibit its physicians and other employees from accepting almost all freebies." According to UPMC:

Industry influence can result in "unacceptable conflicts of interest," the draft says, adding that financial support or gifts, even in modest amounts, "can exert a subtle but measurable impact on recipients' behavior."
I guess we don't need to wonder how they would feel about one of their own doctors accepting a $9,000.00 golf outing, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Point, DeSantis. Was that commemorative money clip worth it Luke? This guy really has no idea what's it like to be an employee, not to mention Mayor of a major city. It's like the kid who's never worked before who shows up at the office for the first day of work and decides to take home pens and pencils because they are free. I'm trying to be an optimist, maybe, just maybe one day some real handlers will come in and save this bozo from himself.
