July 5, 2007

Is the Mayor going on Vacation?

A source sent to me a copy of a letter Mayor Ravenstahl sent to Deputy City Controller Pokora and City-Clerk Johnson-Wasler (a cc was sent to "Department Directors").

Here's the complete text of the letter:
Pursuant to Section 111.02 of the Pittsburgh Code, I hereby designate Chief Michael Huss to authorize and execute all correspondence requiring my signature during my absence on Monday, July 9, 2007 through Monday, July 16, 2007. Thank you.
Not really sure what this means.

That part of the City Code reads as follows:


In case of death, resignation, sickness, absence or inability of the head of any City executive departments, other than the Department of City Controller, the Mayor or the head of the affected department shall designate in writing, filed with the City Clerk and Controller, a deputy to act for the department head, and to exercise the powers and discharge all duties of the department head during the absence or disability or until a new director is appointed, except the powers of appointment and dismissal of employees. The Mayor or the head of the affected department may revoke any designation at any time without cause by a revocation in writing, file with the City Clerk and Controller. The deputies shall serve without additional compensation and may be required by ordinance to give bond in the amount as the Treasurer may fix.

Huh. My guess is that he's going on vacation. Was this planned? If anyone has any other info, please e-mail it in (all e-mail kept in strict confidence).


  1. So the Fire Chief will be reviewing and signing all contracts, formal papers, etc. This administration becomes more and more of a joke every day...

  2. Probably clearing some brush from the ranch in Crawford.

  3. Maybe he's going to Italy.
    Agent Ska better be on the lookout.

  4. You know what ... getting out of town right now might be the smartest thing he could do. And as far as "normal" vacation time goes .... I think I remember City Council shuts down during the entire month of August.

  5. Who is paying for that vacation?

  6. He is having surgery. Check out UPMC Presby tomorrow.

  7. What, are they actually going ahead and removing them?

    Or are they putting them back in for a little while?

  8. I wonder if Luke even has a passport.
