July 16, 2007

Jury Duty

I'm on it.

More specifically: I'm an alternate juror in a criminal court case.

That's as specific as I can get for now, of course.

And, yes, I believe it's my civic duty to serve, but this is my third time (all three in the criminal division) and I don't know any friends or family members who have served even once.

Did I mention that I got sequestered the last time I served?

About half the jury pool raised their hands when asked if they had ever served before.

Random selection my ass.


  1. I have been called for jury duty, and have always given detailed and complex answers to the questions that the attorneys ask in the preliminary screening. I have never been asked to stay beyond that phase. Maybe they worry that I will be a little too "12 Angry Men"ish in the jury room.

  2. While I lived in Allegheny County I also served three times. I moved to Westmoreland Cty 2001. I got called to jury duty in 2003. I'm expecting another postcard anytime now.

  3. I have been registered to vote for over 5 years now & have never been chosen to even go down.

  4. Been here since 1999, registered to vote the entire time, never received a single postcard from the courts for any kind of jury duty. Of course, I'm not so sure just how useful a dead admiral would be on a jury...

  5. Ugh!

    I've been in Pittsburgh for 16 years and I've been called ONCE.

  6. I've lived here over twenty years and have NEVER been called, and I'm on every list in town . . . go figure.
