July 16, 2007

Senator Bob Casey In The News

Here's something Senator Casey did recently:

Sen. Bob Casey stood on the Senate floor Wednesday and read the names of 169 soldiers killed in Iraq with ties to Pennsylvania.

He delivered a tribute to Pennsylvanians who have died in Iraq after voting for a measure that did not advance. The measure would have guaranteed that troops who fought in Iraq be allowed to stay home as long as they had been overseas.

Here's the text of what he said and a link to the video.

Earlier that day, the Republicans in the Senate killed the Webb amendment (S. 2012), an eminently logical amendment that would require the already overworked troops to be at home for at least as long as they were deployed in Iraq.

Senator Casey had this to say about the vote:

I am disappointed that procedural tactics were used to act as a rubberstamp for President Bush and to obstruct action to give troops more time at home between deployments. This amendment had the bipartisan support of 56 U.S. Senators.

After more than four years at war in Iraq and almost six years in Afghanistan, our troops have served multiple tours that have kept them away from their families and hurt our long-term military readiness.

We cannot state enough the effect that having a loved one deployed on what is often multiple tours has on a family or a community. Children are growing up seldom seeing their mothers or fathers. And by giving our troops less time to rest and train between deployments, our military readiness is undermined.”

And as I said, the Republican Senators dutifully killed the measure.

So much for supporting the troops.

Go watch the video. Casey reads the names of all 169 Pennsylvanians killed by dubya's war. They were real men and women with real families. Real lives ended. Someone has to pay some attention to them.


  1. i had heard casey speak about why he did this. it was honest and i think, heartfelt.
    i am not a big fan of his because of the pro life stance of his but this was a good thing he did and i applaud him.

  2. i had heard casey speak about why he did this. it was honest and i think, heartfelt.

    As Click and Clack say, "Boh-oh-oh-oh-gus!" Casey supported the Bush/Cheney "Stay the Course" position throughout his campaign. Can you say "bandwagon," boys and girls? How about "finger in the wind?" I knew you could.

    WRT his presentation, he reminds me of the old joke, "Sincerity is everything. Once you can fake that you have it made."

    Bob Casey is very much like Hillary -- right about a few things for all the wrong reasons.

  3. do you really think so or could it be that he has been there long enough to see the reality of the situation?

    i'm just asking. as i wrote, i'm not a fan of his, but he did seem genuine this time.

  4. Cher,

    I owe you an apology, and I owe Bob Casey one.

    You: If I came across as attacking you, I apologize. I did not mean to do so.

    Casey: He did NOT support the Bush/Cheney "Stay the Course" position in his campaign.

    But the guy is a civil liberties nightmare. These are all Casey's stated positions:

    -- Supports the Military Commissions Act with its unconstitutional suspension of habeas corpus.
    -- Opposes woman's right to control her own uterus. Feels Roe v. Wade should be overturned.
    -- Supports the Bush position on embryonic stem cell research.
    -- Supported the "Defense of Marriage amendment.
    -- Supports the death penalty.
    -- Supports posting the Ten Commandments in government buildings.
    -- Supports the USAPatriot Act.
    -- Opposes censuring Bush for domestic spying.
    -- Supported the confirmation of Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Justice.
    -- Supports warrentless wire-tapping.

    Thus spake Robert "Police State" Casey.

  5. oh, i didn't think you were attacking me. i don't like a lot of casey's positions but i just cringed over the possiblity of his opponant winning.

    i just thought credit was due for what casey did about our soldiers.

    no problem. : )

  6. Holy cow, Casey supports more of those positions than I do.

    Go figure.

  7. It's not all that surprising, X. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to learn that the good Senator is well to your right.

    As a radical left-wing kook, I have been warning comrades, sympathizers, and fellow travellers that Casey, many of his legislative classmates, and organizations such as the DLC see their mission as the conversion of the Democrat Party into a second rightist party. So far, it appears that they are succeeding...from the point of view of a fringy crypto-communist nut-job like I, of course.

  8. Do you guys have, like, a secret handshake or something? Peculiar lapel pin? Fancy hat?

    I was just wondering how kooks recognize one of their own.

  9. We can just smell it on each other. Smells like...victory.
