July 15, 2007

See John Edwards in Pittsburgh on Tuesday

From the John Edwards Campaign:

On Tuesday, July 17th, you can help make history. John Edwards is traveling to 11 cities and towns in 3 days to shine a light on the continuing injustice of poverty in America. And on Tuesday evening, the Road to One America Tour is coming to Pittsburgh.

You're invited to join John Edwards at this historic event. To learn more and RSVP click here: http://johnedwards.com/r/22510/848331/

Here are the details:

What: John Edwards discusses his
plan to end poverty in America

When: Tuesday, July 17th, 5:45 PM

Where: The Hill House,
1835 Centre Ave., Pgh, PA 15219

RSVP: Here

This is not about politics. This is about taking a stand -- about saying that 37 million Americans living in poverty is a national disgrace, and it is time we do something about it.

By joining John in Pittsburgh on Tuesday, we can show the nation that we care, and that we have the will to end poverty in America.

We hope to see you on Tuesday evening:

This event is free and open to the public.

This will not be Edwards' first visit to The Hill House. You can click here to see 2pj's coverage of Edwards visit back in August of '06 at the Pittsburgh stop on the Wakeup Wal-Mart Tour.

Personally, I really wish some of the other Democratic candidates would start having some free and public events here in the Burgh.


  1. Is there really a 'will to end poverty' in America?

    Can government really 'end poverty?'

    Should government TRY to end poverty?

    Those are big questions, of course. I'd love to hear what he has to say. I'll try to go and take my kids to hear him.

  2. I am surprised John Edwards has any time to make these trips. I thought he was busy getting his $1,200.00 hair cuts.

  3. I'm a Bill Richardson fan,but neither he nor Edwards look like serious Presidential candidates.I would be very surprised to see JE as a VP candidate again...Richardson is more qualified for that job

  4. I don't know if this is true or not but I heard Faux News is paying Senator David Vitter of Louisiana $300. to debate John Edwards on poverty wearing only a diaper. Has anyone else heard this?

  5. I don't believe either one Edwards or Richardson stands a chance. The MSM did their hit job on Edwards with the famous haircut. Just like they screwed Howard Dean during the last primaries with the scream.

  6. Smitty,

    I'm a fan of Bill Richardson too and like you, I don't think he has much of a chance to win the Dem nod for Prez, but wouldn't he make a dynamite VP?

  7. Yah, end poverty! No more $400 dollar haircuts charged to campaign funds. Remember Bill getting one of those $400 haircuts while stalling airtraffic in LA.
    Ahh the good old days, when you could go to the ghetto and just say you were ending poverty and then having dinner at Spago's. Wonder if Edwards stays at Motel 6?

  8. The one about Clinton was completely manufactured by trolls like you, my poor deluded friend. Never happened. Just a figment of the right-wind press' imagination, like Ann Couter's vagina.

    In the kind of places "people" like you hang out, they still believe that one (just as they still believe that Dick Cheney is homo sapiens, that Donny Rumsfeld was competent, and that the Monkey Man quit drinking), huh?

  9. Maria
    yes he would...while many think a Hillary/Obama ticket is the "Dream Team",the skill set Bill brings to the table out shines their collective abilities

  10. Isn't Richardson fond of saying things to the effect of "I don't want to fix everything by raising your taxes." Richardson has solid experience and some good positions, but he needs to quit using Republican talking points to bash his primary opponents and the Democratic party - and I'm an Independent saying that!

    If he wants to distinguish himself, then he needs to lose the strawmen, focus on his programs, and specifically criticize his opponents proposed plans to fix things. Hillary is a big strawman gal as well. I really hate that, as more than anything it points to somebody who is seriously disingenuous and will just say what it takes to get elected.

  11. Unfortunately, not a lot of substance in the preceding comments - why don't we all go and LISTEN to what Edwards has to say instead of having it condensed by the MSM into things that don't matter one iota to the job John Edwards might or might not be able to do as President. I'm a fan of Al Gore, Wesley Clark - neither of whom is in the race (yet) - but I'm going to be at the Hill House listening to what Edwards has to say about his vision for America.

  12. i like richardson.i think he'd make a great vp. i also, wish they would all get serious about just explaining ther own ideas and not bashing the others.

    frankly, i'm afraid that all of this early coverage will take attention away from the frightening reality of what we have going on in the white house right now.

    plus, it may sour a large number of people on even voting at all.

  13. Anon.,

    By saying I like Richardson, I was certainly not trying to discourage anyone from seeing Edwards (hence my post).

    I have seen Edwards speak at the Hill House almost year ago and he's certainly worth a look see.

    Again, as I said in my post I wish ALL the candidates would drop by for a free event.

    Nothing like seeing a candidate in the flesh.

    Can't say that I'll be able to catch him this time though as I'm serving jury duty.
