July 3, 2007

Kevin Miller is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

I was just on KDKA. Kevin Miller (he's filling in for Fred today) had been saying about Valerie Plame that she was NOT covert. Therefore the whole Libby trial was somehow a sham.

He also said that Bush was right in commuting the prison sentence because (and I am NOT joking here) "rank has its privileges." So Kevin Miller, patriotic American, thinks that that the same laws that you and I have to abide by, the powerful don't have to.

Nice going, Kevin.

I had to call in and spank him. I just had to.

I pointed out that he was absolutely wrong about Valerie Plame. Congressman Henry Waxman opened a Congressional Hearing with a statement that he and his staff cleared with the CIA and Michael Hayden, head of the CIA where he said:

This hearing is being conducted in open session. This is appropriate, but it is also challenging. Ms. Wilson was a covert employee of the CIA. We cannot discuss all of the details of her CIA employment in open session.

I have met, personally, with General Hayden, the head of the CIA, to discuss what I can and cannot say about Ms. Wilson's service. And I want to thank him for his cooperation and help in guiding us along these lines.

My staff has also worked with the agency to ensure these remarks do not contain classified information.

I have been advised by the CIA and that even now, after all that has happened, I cannot disclose the full nature, scope and character of Ms. Wilson's service to our nation without causing serious damage to our national security interests.

But General Hayden and the CIA have cleared these following comments for today's hearing.

During her employment at the CIA, Ms. Wilson was undercover. Her employment status with the CIA was classified information, prohibited from disclosure under Executive Order 12958. [emphasis added]

Patrick Fitzgerald filed papers saying that Valerie Plame was covert - MSNBC covered it here. The complete document is here.

Right now he's mixing in President Clinton's impeachment in order to muddy the waters.

He raised the question in regards to Libby, "What was the underlying crime?" Implying, I guess, that since no one was charged with an underlying crime, the real crime of perjury (for which Libby was convicted) should be ignored.

Of course when a caller brought up exactly the same argument about the Clinton impeachment ("What was the underlying crime in the Clinton impeachment?"), Kevin Miller dutifully pointed out that Clinton lied to the grand jury.

Since Kevin Miller is on NewsRadio1020, don't you think he should actually maybe you know read the news?


  1. Plame To Sue CIA - The Irony And The (Near) Ectasy
    The CIA summary of Ms. Wilson’s employment history claims that she “engaged in temporary duty (TDY) travel overseas on official business,” though it does not say whether such travel in fact occurred within the last five years. Further, it is not clear that engaging in temporary duty travel overseas would make a CIA employee who is based in Washington eligible for protection under the IIPA. In fact, it seems more likely that the CIA employee would have to have been stationed outside the United States to trigger the protection of the statute. To our knowledge, the meaning of the phrase “served outside the United States” in the IIPA has never been litigated. Thus, whether Ms. Wilson was covered by the IIPA remains very much in doubt, especially given the sparse nature of the record.

  2. Typical change of subject/blurring of the facts.

    They were not discussing whether or not Plame was covered by the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, only if she was covert.

    Nice try.

  3. ...and try to learn how to spell, huh, Mein Heir? You embarrass yourself.

    Isn't it embarrassing enough to run away every time we shred your silly arguments?

  4. See, Shitrock can do nothing but personally attack those he disagrees with. That's the only way the man can debate.

    What a skillful debater you are, Mr. Shitrock.

  5. Wow either Braden's wife lets him blog again or he had too much fun with the latest 'wife' and is waiting for the next blow-up 'wife' to arrive via UPS. I wonder if he got tired of having no interaction with real humans?
    Some people will always be losers.

  6. Indeed, I am awed by your superior eloquent rhetorical skill, Master Lie. You are undoubtedly the wordsmith of your generation.

    When orators of the future seek to fulfill their honor roll, they will sing of Demosthenes, Cicero, Aquinas, Moore, Lincoln, Churchill, and Lie.

  7. Bear in mind lefties, it was R. Armitage that outed Plame. Armitage!
    Also bear in mind that Libby was the defense attorney for Marc Rich. Yes that Marc Rich of the pardon fame. The prosecuting attorney was none other than Fitzpatrick.
    Also bear in mind, Fitzpatrick had the plot for 9-11 and kept it to himself. The book "Triple Cross" backs this up.
    If anyone had a grudge to act on it appears to be Fitzpatrick.

  8. Thank you Anon, for your eminently coherent and concise summation of something or other.

  9. What Anonymous really is saying is there was no White House Iraq Group that lied us into war and Cheney's people did not set out to discredit Joe Wilson by outing his wife Valerie. Valerie wasn't even covert, she was really a Girl Scout leader working on a badge at the CIA. Oh yes and Bush&Company are really Jesus in disguise.
    If I drink the Pittsburgh version 104.7 kool-aid I will see the light and believe.

  10. Maria, you are absolutely wrong this time. Let me make an example; Lets say my wife and I argue and I decide to beat her up, if it happens my neighbor beats her up before I get around to it, am I guilty of assault? Of course not, especially if the neighbor isn’t in any way prosecuted for beating her. Until Richard Armitage (who confessed) is prosecuted and found guilty (irrespective and regardless of any punishment), this persecution of the White House appears to be politically motivated sabotage and obstructionism by traitors, crooks, and cowards. None of the perjury or obstruction charges had anything to do with any conspiracy in the White House of ‘outing’ Plame. This travesty of justice has done more to destroy the trust for law enforcement than any other act in the last 10 years. Only in America is Criminal Justice not an oxymoron.

  11. None of the perjury or obstruction charges had anything to do with any conspiracy in the White House of ‘outing’ Plame.

    Interesting, albeit irrelevant, example you use Anon.

    Let's try explaining this for the 4,787,208,256,673rd time: As you seem to know, Libby was not charged with the traitorous act of disclosing the identity of an undercover CIA agent. He was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. If he had been testifying before a grand jury and was asked what he had for breakfast or who gave him head, and lied about it, he would be guilty of perjury, as I'm sure you pointed out at the time, Clinton was. But what Libby did was much worse -- he impeded the Grand Jury's attempt to identify the highest-level treasonous criminals who initiated this attack on a CIA specialist in anti-terrorism.

    Libby was tried by a Republican prosecutor, convicted by a jury of his peers, sentenced by a Republican judge, and had his appeal denied by a Republican appeals court.
    His sentence was well withing Mr. Bush's guidelines.

    He should be enjoying the accommodations at the Graybar Hotel even now, as Wingnuts gloat over this Administration's corruption and treachery.
