August 16, 2007

ANTI-WAR events THU and FRI

Iraq Summer Campaign
Itinerary for Thursday 8/16 & Friday 8/17

Organizers Rory Casey (202-903-3229) and Caleb Payne (202-486-8607) or (412)828-5102 ext. 27

Thursday @ 10:00am Rally outside of Arlen Specter Town Hall Meeting Seton Hill University, Greensburg, Pa. Actual town hall will start at 11:00am and we will bring some of the protest inside as we demand Specter take a stand against this war.
One Seton Hill University Drive Greesnburg, Pa 15601

Thursday @ 1:00pm Rally outside of Specter Town Hall Meeting California University California, PA. Town Hall starts at 2:15 and just like in Greensburg we will bring the protest inside and demand Specter take a stand.
250 University Drive California, Pa

Thursday @ 4:30PM*** Deliver report card on Iraq War voting record, end the war cookies, brownies, and other goodies to Murphy's Mt. Lebanon office. Attempt to speak to Murphy and/or staff and once again invite him to the 8/28 take a stand event.

Thursday @ 5:00PM Drive time rally, followed by visibility canvass of local businesses within walking distance of Murphy's office.
504 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon, PA 15228

Thursday @ 6:30PM Phone banking operation for recruiting turn out for the take a stand event at our office in Blawnox, PA.
237 6th St. Blawnox, PA 15237.

Friday @ 8:00AM Arrive at office in Blawnox, look up press clips, read local papers and blogs, prepare for 9:00AM state-wide conference call.
237 6th St. Blawnox, PA 15237.

Friday @ 10:30AM Yard sign canvass/distribution.

Friday @ 3:30PM Rally outside of Tim Murphy's office 504 Washington Rd. Mt Lebanon, Pa 15228

*** NOTE: Will Tim Murphy call the cops on his constituents again? The following video shows the second time a group of Rep. Murphy's constituents were refused entry into the PUBLICLY FUNDED office of their representative. The office doors were locked and the police were called.

What is Tim Murphy afraid of?
(Apparently baked goods.)

Here's a Post-Gazette story about another refusal by Murphy to talk to his constituents. Word has it that a New York Times reporter will be at today's protest.


  1. Murphy has handed Hafer (or whoever else might challenge him) another fine bit of oppp. Set this one on the editing room shelf right next to the Andy Sheehan on-screen "paper grab."

    The man is almost physically incapable of not being an arrogant, pompous jerk. My guess is that his staffers were probably more afraid of Tim than they were of the protesters; aware that he'd reem them (or fire them) if actualy humans were allowed to express their opinions...


  2. Bet this pisses you guys off. A pro-war march by veterans.
    Time to Move Out and Draw Fire! - The Battle Over the War Narrative
    Here's a Post-Gazette story about another refusal by Murphy to talk to his constituents.
    Here's a Tribune-Review story about another refusal by John Murtha to talk to his constituent about his son that Murtha said "killed innocent civilians in cold blood."

  3. I'm no fan of the Iraq War, nor Tim Murphy's position on it -- but this was glib.

    First of all, any time you march in boldy filming, all excited to get your Michael Moore on, you ought to expect resistance. That's called barging.

    Second of all, he has every right to postpone a meeting boorishly thrusted upon him, for up to a day or so ... as long as he does ultimately give them a solid opportunity to give them hell.

    It was grandstanding. Sheer grandstanding, and let's ambush this guy on the web. If he refuses to deal with them at length, then sure you have an issue. But this was unconvincing.

  4. Bram,

    It would have helped if you had read the article and listened more closely to the video because if you had, you would know that they and others had tried to have a regular scheduled meeting with him BEFORE ANY PROTESTS. He keeps refusing.

    "Mr. Abernathy said he has made repeated requests to meet with Mr. Murphy, but has gotten no response."

    Mr. Abernathy was a staff sergeant in Iraq in 2003 and 2004.

    Way to support the troops, Murphy!

    It isn't "grandstanding" when your own rep repeatedly ignores you to then show up at his damn office that you pay for with your tax dollars.

    If they hadn't videotaped it, then Murphy could go on calling the protestors who showed up with a lovely cake "terrorists."


  6. "Tim Murphy end the war." LOL, yeah, our congressman has the power to go out and end the war single handedly.

  7. I'm sure the cops were called because as I've driven past numerous times, those idiots are standing in the street protesting. They deserve to get hit by cars.

    The Florida license plate in the youtube video is priceless though.
