August 15, 2007

Déjà vu all over again

Bob Mayo must have been feeling some serious déjà vu while reporting the following:

PITTSBURGH -- About 232 children taking part in Pittsburgh's summer youth employment program are wearing city-issued T-shirts with Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's name appearing on them.

The shirts have Republican mayoral candidate Mark DeSantis upset."It's not the mayor's program," DeSantis said.

"It's the city of Pittsburgh's program. It's not the mayor's money. It's taxpayers' dollars. It's not the mayor's government. It's city government. There's really no reason to promote his name with a city program."

DeSantis notes that Ravenstahl ordered suspensions for members of the city Redd-Up Crew when they wore political shirts in support of City Councilman Jeff Koch's re-election campaign.
DeSantis went on to say the T-shirts showed "really bad judgment" and that the whole thing was "frankly just tacky."

Here's the graphic on the new T's:

Here's a stroll down memory lane:

(Is there some secret stock of hideous neon
green T-shirts in the bowels of City Hall?)

While Lil Mayor Luke often expresses the thought that anything anyone else does is "political," his spokesperson said that "the mayor's name on the summer youth program shirts is not political."

She added that "...he is a mentor to all of the youth living in this great city."

I'd add that he's particularly a role model for all the youth of this great city who come from a politically connected family, get their ACDC seat while still a teen, and become mayor of this great city on a fluke.

In a totally unrelated story...

Republican mayoral challenger Mark DeSantis was surprised when he donned his new campaign T-shirt to see that the words "Mayor Luke Ravenstahl" were added to the bottom of his logo:

When contacted, the local printer said that "it was an honest mistake."

The printed added, "We do tons of printing for the city and when we saw the Pittsburgh skyline on the shirt, well, you understand."


  1. "He is a mentor to all of the youth living in this great city."

    Merry Christmas, Judge Peckham.

  2. I second that.

    Lately I feel like reality is rapidly approaching a hazy mixture of Carbolic Smoke and the Angry Drunk Bureaucrat.

  3. Maria, was the DeSantis shirt at the end of the post your handiwork? Brilliant!

  4. Wonder what lil' mayor's up to now? Having city flags rewoven to work in the name Ravenstahl?

    Reviewing proofs of Ravenstahl decals for all city vehicles, to include, but not limited to: cop cars, trash trucks, fire engines & street sweepers?

    Shouldn't city plantings spell out Ravenstahl, or - if space doesn't permit - Luke?

    Soon all city correspondence, tax bills, etc., will be printed on paper watermarked Ravenstahl.

    Fire, police & emt personnel's uniforms should be in Ravenstahl's campaign colors - man, what's the hold up on this?

    Green spaces' signs need to be re-painted, Ravenstahl's Frick Park; Ravenstahl's Schenley Park...

    There's lots of work to do, Pittsburgh, get off your duffs!

  5. Judge,

    Thanks! (Yeah, it's mine.)

    And to return the favor, THIS had me rolling on the floor.

  6. Everywhere a sign,

    You mean something like THIS?

  7. Maria,

    Yes, something like that, only, only, only...


    And way more self aggrandizing & shameless. The statue must be made of brass, b/c we got us a brassy lil' mayor. Lookout Caliguiri statue, note the growing gleam in lil' mayor's eyes as he passes you each morning! Can you say "Soon to be melted down for scrap?"viscdvvw
