August 13, 2007

DeSantis Press Release

Got a Press Release from the DeSantis campaign (funny I don't get anything from the Ravenstahl campaign - maybe I should try to rectify that). Here's the text:

Mark DeSantis plans to attend City Council hearing September 10th on police promotions and challenges Luke Ravenstahl to do the same.

Summary: "I believe this is an important issue that needs to be addressed. If I am elected, I promise now to correct any past problems with domestic violence among City of Pittsburgh police officers. The only way to appropriately address the concerns of Pittsburgh residents is to hear from them directly and assure them their concerns will be addressed," said DeSantis.

Mark DeSantis will listen to the testimony presented at the hearing and implement the appropriate recommendations in his public safety plan that will be released next month. He also urges Mr. Ravenstahl to attend the hearing and listen to the concerns of these women's groups. "Ravenstahl decided to golf at a celebrity golf outing instead of attending the last hearing. Clearly that was the wrong decision. He now has another opportunity to address these concerns. If he is serious about city leadership, he will make himself available," said DeSantis.

As a side note, it looks like DeSantis is really getting into the race. As of today, this is the image on his website. Don't know if you can read the text. It says:
When the city was in a state of emergency, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl was watching the Steelers Practice. The question that should be on everyone's minds:

Does this guy ever go to work?

Good question.

UPDATE: Fair's fair. Bram got to this story first.


  1. Ravenstahl left the Steelers facility when the storms starying rolling in. He had his stuff together. Everyone was where they needed to be.

    What else could Luke have done? Should he have been on Grant Street directing traffic?

    The 311 line stayed open late, public works was at full staff, the clean up response time was great.

    Luke has been out in the neighborhoods looking at the damage and making sure it gets cleaned up.

  2. Matt -

    I don't disagree. Despite the feeding frenzy over Luke, we have to maintain some modicum of distant here. Let's bash Luke over the real stuff...and not succumb to trash him at EVERY opportunity. As I opined before...would we be having the same conversation if Bob O'Connor had been hangin' with the Stillers?


  3. Pilt,

    Bob O'Connor would NOT have been "hangin' with the Steelers".

    I'm no O'Connor fan, but would lay down $10 right now that Bob would've been there, where the people who are suffering are. And he would've been there the next day too & he would've kept drawing attention to their needs.

    Matt - shame on you. Bob was your friend. You say you really cared for him & knew him. And yet, you are making excuses for piss poor replacement drone Ravenstahl? You KNOW where Bob would've been. You KNOW what Bob would've been doing.

  4. Shame on me?

    Shame on you.

    I don't know why but shame on you.

  5. I'm not trying to compare the two. The two are 2 totally different guys.

  6. I am not sure why anyone would send a press release to a blogger. The blogosphere does not adhere to any code of conduct, rules, or protocols of the MSM in checking facts, or verifying information, in order to maintain their credibility. Most bloggers have a personal agenda and have little interest in publishing anything that interferes with those personal views or agendas.

    Therefore the blogosphere is not much more than an electronic format of the bathroom wall.

  7. Is anyone else disgusted by that graphic on the DeSantis website? Events can speak for themselves without cheesy/flashy/substance-less graphics. Nice job taking hints from CNN and Fox News.
