August 13, 2007

One Political Junkie ON THE AIR

An announcement:

I'll be filling in for Lynn Cullen this friday (August 17th). The tentative schedule is:
  • 9:00 to 10:00 Jon Delano (it's a Friday Tradition over there at WPTT)
  • 10:00 to 11:00 Impeachment
  • 11:00 to 12:00 [nothing scheduled yet]
We're working on filling in the blanks.

It should be fun!


  1. You're going to talk about impeachment on Cullen. I may listen as I always a good laugh. You ought to talk about how you failed in your big hope of frog marching Rove from the White House. He leaves under his own terms. Man you left wing kooks keep it funny.

  2. You can thank Scooter Libby and dubya's commutation of the perjurer's sentence for saving us from seeing Rove's Frog March.
