August 13, 2007

Turd Blossom to Resign

That's right. Karl Rove's resigning at the end of August.

It's in the Wall Street Journal.

And Paul Gigot has more.

Bye-bye, Karl.


  1. According to the White House maintenance staff, it will take until take until the end of November before they'll be able to fully remove the smell of brimstone from Rove's office.

  2. oh, please, don't tease me. is it really really true???

  3. All the hearings, all the smeer, and nadda on Rove.

    What the hell are you guys gonna do now?

  4. All the hearings, all the smeer, and nadda on Rove. What the hell are you guys gonna do now?
    What we've always done, X. Make you guys look silly. Point to the illegalities. Bemoan the loss of civil liberties. Worry about how your kids are going to pay the interest on the debts Republicans run up.

    You know, the usual.

  5. Expect the ship to start sinking REALLY quickly, really soon.

    Wonder what his new project will be. It can't possibly be one of the nominees out there. You'd think he's too exhausted to start grooming another AA prospect. I guess he'll just cash in.

  6. Wonder what his new project will be.
    Three words: Supreme. Court. Justice.

    He, he. Check in with me when you regain consciousness.

  7. Supreme Court Justice? That's a fate too horrible to contemplate.

  8. You all hate Rove because he beat you liberals at every single turn. Go join Chris Matthews and David Gregory in the hopes that there is still something Rove did illegally, even though he was never charged, let alone indicted with anything. You and your liberal pipe dreams; Rove is nothing more than you lib's Moby Dick.

    Reality? That means nothing when it comes to the liberal mindset. One might as well talk to a concrete wall....scratch that would actually have a more intelligent conversation by talking to said concrete wall. Aint that right, John Shitrock?

  9. You all hate Rove because he beat you liberals at every single turn...Aint that right, John Shitrock?
    November 7, 2006.

    As a very wise man once said, Master Lie, "You're entitled to your math. I'm entitled to 'the' math."
