August 11, 2007

The Problem With Bill

Tucker Carlson (MSNBC) called the performance "cringe-worthy."

Alison Stewart (MSNBC) said it was "cringe-tastic."

Jonathan Capehart (Washington Post) said it was like, "...watching someone drown in the shallow end of the pool and than refuse a life preserver." He added, "I watched that big guy shrink in his chair as he answered the questions."

The audience groaned.

I was cringing and groaning at my TV set at home.

I'm talking about Governor (and Presidential hopeful) Bill Richardson's performance on LOGO TV 's Visible Vote ‘08 Presidential Forum Thursday evening.

First, some background. If you're not familiar with LOGO, it's a LGBT oriented cable channel and this was billed as the first Presidential forum on gay issues. Each candidate who agreed to appear got 15 minutes on their own from a panel of questioners which included the aforementioned Jonathan Capehart, journalist Margaret Carlson, singer/activist Melissa Etheridge and the Human Rights Campaign's Joe Solmonese. The candidates appeared in the following order: Barack Obama, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, Bill Richardson and Hillary Clinton (Dodd and Biden had scheduling problems). Naturally, no Republicans agreed to appear in a separate forum.

So what was so wrong with Richardson's performance?

In a word: everything.

Let me state up front that while I don't have a favorite candidate yet, I really liked Bill Richardson and have stated that on this blog before. I also kept saying back in 2004 that Kerry should have picked him for his running mate.

Here's a sample of Richardson's sorry performance:
MS. ETHERIDGE: Thank you. Do you think homosexuality is a choice, or is it biological?

GOV. RICHARDSON: It's a choice. It's --

MS. ETHERIDGE: I don't know if you
understand the question. (Soft laughter.) Do you think I -- a homosexual is born that way, or do you think that around seventh grade we go, "Ooh, I want to be gay"?

GOV. RICHARDSON: Well, I -- I'm not a scientist. It's -- you know, I don't see
this as an issue of science or definition. I see gays and lesbians as people as a matter of human decency. I see it as a matter of love and companionship and people loving each other. You know I don't like to categorize people. I don't like to, like, answer definitions like that that, you know, perhaps are grounded in science or something else that I don't understand.
It's not just that the content is bad, it's like he wasn't even prepared for the question -- at an LGBT forum! After the broadcast, he released a statement saying, "I do not believe that sexual orientation or gender identity happen by choice." Then he repeated that he wasn't a scientist.


But it didn't stop there.

While he said he was for civil unions because that was achievable and he's a guy who gets things done, when Joe Solmonese asked him if he would sign a gay marriage bill if it was presented to him by the New Mexico legislature, he just wouldn't answer the question directly no matter how many times it was put to him.

And then they brought up something that I hadn't heard before. Bill Richardson had used the word "maricón" on the Imus show. For those of you, who unlike me, haven't lived in NYC for 15 years that word is Spanish for "faggot." describes the Imus incident:
Almost exactly one year before Imus was to lose his show for using a slur to describe the Rutger’s women’s basketball team, the shock jock used the Spanish word “maricón” in an on-air exchange with Richardson.

“Bernard on the staff here has been claiming you’re not really Hispanic so-- that you're just claiming that for some sort of advantage or something,” Imus said to Richardson, tongue clearly in cheek. “You can just answer this yes or no and this will answer that question. Would you agree that Bernard is a maricón?”

Without missing a beat, Richardson replied in Spanish, “Yo creo que Bernardo, sí — es un maricón si él piensa que yo no soy hispano. [General laughter] Was that good enough or what? [General laughter]”

“That’s good enough for me,” Imus replied.

Most gay Latinos interviewed for this story agreed with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation that the word “maricón” means “faggot” in Spanish. So, translated to English, Richardson had replied: "I believe that Bernard, yes – he’s a faggot if he thinks that I am not Hispanic."
By the time Richardson left the forum stage, my support for him had entirely shriveled up and gone the way of the wind.


You can see Bill R opine on "choice" here (it's about two and a half minutes in):

You can read Pam of Pam's House Blend's wrap up here (she does have a link to good things that Richardson has done for the LGBT Community) and Sue of Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents weighs in here.

You can also view clips of the entire forum at LOGO's website here and the forum will be rebroadcast Monday at 7:00 PM ET.


  1. This is a great angle to cover the story; thanks Maria! I wasn't aware of the Imus incident. Sigh. Unfortunately, I think this was his "Nixon-Kennedy" debate moment. From the clips I've seen, Melissa was wonderful and really added a nice non-politico/non-media touch to the whole affair.

    So, where are your attentions turned now that Bill has dissed the queers?

  2. Tt seems like he's really bad on the spot. I really like Richardson actually, and though this incident is a big mark against him in my book I figure I should at least give him a chance to redeem himself over the next year. Even with this slip he's better than two-thirds of the candidates.

  3. i like him as well and i was really surprised that this was his attitude. surprised and disappointed.

  4. Much has been made of what is shaping up to be the "longest Presidential campaign in history." Much has been written about how voters will be burnt out and disgusted by 18 months of politicking.

    But all you need is one moment like this and you realize what a good thing a long campaign can be. When candidates are forced to repeatedly defend their stands and are questioned by an ever wider cross section of the electorate, there is a much higher probability that THE TRUTH WILL OUT.

    Piltdown Man

  5. I really liked Richardson. He has foreign policy experience, he's got a pretty good record on LGBT issues, etc. I think he's teachable, so I overlooked other things, like the Imus thing, but this is just one thing too many. I'm not at all worried about his true feelings on gay issues, I feel confident that he's on our side. But he'd have no time to be president for all the cleaning up he'd be doing from his gaffes.

    What now? Perhaps Obama.

  6. I liked his record too, Subversive. He has about six thousand times as much foreign policy knowledge and experience as any other candidate...but as much as I'd hate to jump on the Obama bandwagon, if there's much more of this from Richardson I may yet convert.

  7. While I wasn't committed to any of them, he was my favorite.

    Now I don't have one.

  8. And we're beginning to discover yet again that Kucinich is the only candidate who is remotely left-leaning in any real sense.

    Let's put our money where our mouths are for a change, shall we?

  9. You forgot Gravel, Justin.
